Winter News
It's Winter here in NC, but you'd certainly
think it's more like Spring! And with that said, there was some
We hope that your New year has started off wonderfully and you are ready for
brand new year filled with lots of love, joy and excitement!
For those who are waiting on a puppy, we have some great news!
Nikkie and Kree both have been bred to APACHE who is our LARGE, sweet,
cuddle bear!!
He has the sweetest of pups and although he is a True Panda German Shepherd,
just a color change, he will produce all colors with my girls, including
traditional Black & Tan!
Please stop back for updates and news...
If you have an interest in a puppy please let me know.
You can email us at misheps1@gmail.com
Upcoming Liter Page
God Bless!!

December 2022
Merry Christmas!! and Happy New Year!!
Thank you for stopping by and visiting with
We wanted to take this time to THANK EVERYONE
who has been with us for years and who is new!
We had lots of repeat customers this year and we
TRULY APPRECIATE that as that is how we can continue
doing what we do. We Love you all and we thank you for coming back!
For those who are new with us, THANK YOU
as well....and know that you are part of our Extended Family and
we care about you and your puppy! We have enjoyed all the updates and
photos as well this year!!
We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy
New Year! We pray that you and your families enjoy each
other and those around you! We will continue to navigate through the next
year and hopefully be able to continue to bring you
wonderful puppies!! We do have plans to breed in the Spring of
2023....Please stop back!!

MARCH 2022
It's been a while since my last post.
LOTS going on as in everyone's lives.
We recently sent home Kree and Apache's two females! Michelle with
Summit Therapy Dogs was here again, to
help get two little girls off to their new homes. Michelle has helped
with the delivery of many puppies
over the years. She first came into our lives back in 2008, when I placed a
little black and tan male
puppy in her hands...he was then appropriately named Gideon (12/05/2007) and
their lives began together!
Michelle has been a true ambassador for our pups! I have been blessed many
times with her help and
kindness....we truly feel that she is part of our big extended family and I
hold her even closer to my heart!
She has worked very hard at her own business and in doing so, she has added
our puppies each time she
has been in need :) No words can express that kind of gratitude.
Gideon, Zeke, Chip, Tibby, Luke and now her
latest Simon! These are the pups who shared ours lives in so many ways over
the years...some are gone now
and that is truly heart breaking and yet, the ones still here are teaching
and loving up on the new pup, Simon.
Michelle has been a wonderful friend over
the years and has helped us out many many times....some of you may
have met her during her travels of delivering our pups...
This post is a BIG SHOUT OUT to
Michelle for everything she is to alot of folks!
We are so grateful.....when I send off a group of our puppies with Michelle
for delivery, I know they could not
be in any better or safer hands. She looks after them as though they are
hers....and I am forever grateful for that!
THANK YOU Michelle for being a wonderful part of our lives...mostly for
being a great friend who has been with
me through lots of ups and downs but always there....I hope that some day
all of your dreams and wishes come
true! You certainly have given selflessly....
THANK YOU for loving my pups....all of them!
God has a wonderful plan for your future and I am thankful to be a small
part of it!
Love you!

Simon came along and it was WONDERFUL seeing how much he has grown!
Born October 2021!!
Fall has finally arrived here in NC!
This is truly the land of heat haha.....We are thankful for the cooler
weather and will be welcoming puppies soon!!
is due to have her pups around Halloween.
We want to thank all those who have been in touch lately with reserving a
new family member! We
are truly blessed that so many return for another puppy over the years.
Of course, we are much
smaller now and it takes me much longer to provide puppies for you....thank
you all for being so patient!
We do have friends in Wisconsin who are bigger and of course, younger and
they have puppies throughout
the year and we recommend that you check out their page if we cannot fulfill
your needs.
Ravenswood Hollow
Charlene and I have shared several of our
bloodlines with each other and she also has a variety
of colors, but mostly they have white german shepherds!!
We hope that you and your family have a very blessed and happy start to Fall
and with the Holidays fast
approaching, we truly wish you lots of love and family time! Some of
you know that last year was super
hard for me...the loss of my sister, Terris, was tremendously hard. I DO
THANK all those who have
shown such kindness and help as the healing process moves along...I still
have no words for how I feel
without her in my life, but I know I have been blessed and hugged all year!!
Please stop back and check out the puppies after they arrive!
THANK YOU again for checking in and hanging out with us for a moment!
Means the world to me!
Enjoy this time of year!!

MAY 2021
Currently we are awaiting puppies....Camo had one female puppy for us on
April 28th!! Both doing great.....
We will be updating the website more with the next two litters coming!!
Nikkie is very close and Kree is not
far behind her!! I will have updates each week with photos of the
We are still dealing with some of the Covid-19 things but with the puppies
born soon, they will be
going on in July and we should be outside so it will be a bit more relaxed
than how things were
last year......
We hope that you enjoy visiting the website and thank you again to all those
who have one of
our pups!! We are thankful, grateful and very happy to serve you!!
Stop Back Soon!!
APRIL 2021
Spring certainly has arrived here in North Carolina! We have had
some cool mornings and warm afternoons!
The trees are showing off their new leaves and birds are abounding
everywhere....the waking up of things is
very beautiful!! AND.....we have puppies coming too!! My girls,
Camo, Nikkie and Kree have been bred to
Apache and we start having puppies later this month!! You can follow along
on our Upcoming Litters
and join in our celebration of life!! Puppies are such blessings and I
know each and every one will find it's
Forever Home!!
Gypsee who we kept
from Nikkie and Brutus' litter last year, is doing wonderful and we just
love her!
She is our constant 24/7 puppy and learning new things every day. We are
grateful that Nikkie gave
us a female and we are so enjoying this puppy!! She brings together a
Super Long Line of our dogs
who have worked for us the last 26 years!! And yes, she was named after her
Grandmother, Gypsie,
who we lost in Feb. 2020. Still missing her!!
We hope that the first part of your 2021 has been better than it was last
year in 2020! We know that
there are still precautions we all have to take and maybe life will never be
the same again, but we are
happy that we can still continue to give your our precious puppies!!
We will still have Covid restrictions
here at the kennel and when sending puppies home later in the Summer last
year certainly was a learning
year and we feel better prepared for this year!!
THANK YOU for stopping by for the updates.....right now we are just waiting
on the puppies to arrive!
Updates will be on each girls' page and we hope that you enjoy all their
photos and updates!!
Have a Blessed Spring and thank you again for stopping by!!
If you are waiting on a puppy this Spring, please remember to contact me
Thank you again!

Well....let me first start out with a
little news....
I lost my dear and sweet BUGS
right before Thanksgiving.
I can truly say that my life now has changed forever....He was my
constant....constant in everything.
Never leaving my side and always asking me what I needed....
This truly has been a tough year....and I say that with much sadness but
with great hope.
Losing Gypsie in February and then my sweet sister, Terris in March....along
side the Covid stuff,
I felt like I couldn't breathe. Truly....as if the world as I knew it was
changing so quickly that I just
couldn't breathe.....and now without BUGS I can truly say it's been a tough
I want to THANK EVERYONE who has been a part of our lives and who has been
me their love and prayers! I am grateful and blessed! This I
know!! THANK YOU!!
Also, THANK YOU all who have a puppy from Bugs!! He and Gypsie had the
most puppies
together for us....and Bugs did breed a couple other girls....Smoke, Jessie
and Brandi!!
But he and Gypsie were so very close and after her sudden passing in
February, Bugs just didn't feel the same.
His heart was broken and although he did his best for me...never ever
leaving my side....never! He was missing
Gypsie so.....

We want to wish everyone a
WE THANK YOU ALL....for being such a wonderful addition to our extended
May God Bless You All!


Thank you for stopping
Sorry in advance for a long post!!
We really do appreciate every person who visits and who has one of our
and shares so much with us....We also thank those who are just interested,
and hope that you find lots
of pictures, ideas and possibly a new family member :)
We are blessed for sure!
As with everyone this year, it's been a year of "change" and a year of
"uncertainty" and honestly just
a different type of year than what most of us are used to....Our hearts go
out to those who have
been affected by the virus....you're in our thoughts and prayers!
We are also feeling other new changes here at the kennel...one that may not
be what I would
want but it's changing and so I am updating those changes. We have two
older males who have been
just beautiful and outstanding representatives of their breed! They both OWN
my heart and I have
been MORE THAN BLESSED to have them in my life....
Bugs and
Lil Bubba are
now Retired... They are both doing well but they have earned their
retirement and
can now help me with any new pups that may be on the horizon. You can read
about each one on their pages above.
THANK YOU for visiting them!
The hardest thing this year has been the loss of my sister, Terris!
Hard, sad, lost, empty, struggling and blessed......
Yes, Blessed because I have the best memories of the best sister in the
world! She changed my life
when she appeared in it when I was 4 years old :) Our time together
was NOT enough. I will continue to struggle
through the upcoming months that we both so loved, Fall and Winter...our
favorites....I will have good
days and bad days, but knowing that one day I will see her again in heaven,
helps me continue loving things here
on earth.
THANK YOU ALL for reaching out to me over these past few months as
well...Keeping me laughing and
sharing with me all those beautiful photos and stories!! I love you all so
much and it means the world to me that
you guys all care!! I appreciate everything!!
LAST but not least here.....we will have some puppies coming in NOVEMBER!
I am close to being full
on deposits.....if you are interested in a puppy, please email me soon!!
Thank you all again!
Enjoy the start of Fall weather!! God Bless You!
Thank you again for stopping by the website!
Happy Labor Day Weekend....we appreciate all those who work diligently so
that we can enjoy!

We do have some updates and we have
CAMO and APACHE due to have puppies in
November now.
Camo decided that she was not going to let Kree have all the fun LOL
We are still waiting on Kree to
cycle and we have updates soon.
If you are waiting on a litter and would like to be considered for Camo's
upcoming litter, please let me know!
I do have several deposits on her litter....but would like to hear from
folks who are waiting as well.
We have been very hot, humid and very dry here in NE North Carolina...hoping
to get some rain soon!
But we are also in the middle of Hurricane Season and would be thankful for
any prayers that you have
during this time!!
We are also getting through this CoronaVirus Shutdown and hoping that soon,
the wonderful things we
love to do and places we love to go will be back open, so that we can all
get back to normal.
Our prayers are with all those who have been affected and continued prayers
for healing!
FALL is coming and we will have more updates along the way....This is a
wonderful time of year
and we hope that you will stop to share it with us!!
God Bless!!

Thank you for checking back and
sharing part of your day with us!
Currently we are waiting on Kree to come into heat...should be sometime
Once she is in heat, she and Apache will breed. What wonderful puppies
they had last year for us!!
Kree & Apache
August has been very dry, hot and humid....not much rain...even though we did
have a hurricane touch us early
part of August....without electric a couple of days, but we managed!
We are in Hurricane Season here in
Eastern North Carolina....not my favorite time....runs through November!
I for one, am looking forward to
Wintertime here....that and Spring are my favorites! The dogs are looking
forward to that time too.... :)
August also marks the 5 months without my sister, Terris in my life...losing
such an intricate part of your
life, really and truly changes everything...she and I were so close, that my
heart is still trying desperately to
start to heal....sharing everyday with her, was such a blessing and I will
never forget a moment of it!
I just miss her! My heart hurts..
Gypsie also has been gone 6 months now....where did 6 months go without my
princess in black amour...always
my protector and always my fun loving girl.....she was true to her breeding
with such loyalty and such devotion.
I have her 2 daughters here to help me carry on....Kree and Nikkie who are
both wonderful girls and I am so blessed
to have them!! Very thankful!! Thank you all who have their
puppies! Means alot to me!!
Thank you again for checking in....please come back and as we get closer to
Fall, I hope to have some more
updates for you!! I have to admit I am a bit behind but this year started
rough and like so many of us, the
Covid-19 set in and changed so many things in our lives...I hope that you
know you always have FRIENDS
here at our kennel and we love all your updates and photos, so please share
when you have a chance!!
Take care my friends!
July has been a very
busy month and with that said,
we want to THANK EVERYONE who has taken home one of our puppies this month!!
Camo and Apache
had three puppies and they are now in their new homes with
Elspeth in PA with Sasha, Lauren in PA with Henry and Tim & Andrea in TN
with Freedom!
for helping transport "Sasha" to Elspeth!!
Nikkie and Brutus'
9 puppies are also all in their new homes with
Valerie in OH with Brida, Viviana with Mia in FL, Jim & Anni with Annabelle
in NC,
Jen & Family with Nala in OH, Sarah with Scully in NC, Stephan & Catherine
with Valor in NY,
Marty & Nina with Arrow in OH, Mary and Family with Artemis in OH and
Juliette with Momo in PA!
for helping transport "Artemis" to Mary and Family!
Our lives are much more blessed with meeting all our new folks who will love
one of our
puppies for a long long time! THANK YOU for those who came back to us,
another puppy! That really makes us happy and proud of our doggies!!
We will work on a few things here at the house and kennel throughout Summer
and we
should be announcing a litter from Kree and Apache in the Fall!!
Please check
back for updates on that!!
4 months has passed since I lost my sweet sister, Terris....It's been a
rough go of things for
me....and each day brings more memories of what I had with her...She was in
my life every single
day and it's been hard to start each day without her....we laughed, cried,
and have shared so many
things together....it's been hard and I just miss her....

Our son and his wife sent a tree to us in memory of Terris.....
It is a white flowering Dogwood.

My sweet sweet Friend Brenda sent this to me as well!
I just love it!
We certainly ALL of us understand what it feels like to lose a loved one....
Our thoughts and prayers go out to you!!
THANK YOU all for checking in, also for checking on me throughout these last
4 months!! Means alot to me!!
THANK YOU for stopping by.....We appreciate
it!! I have been a little late with updates on facebook and so
by checking in here, you will get all the updates!! I have been late
on putting up some updates
and I am sorry about that....but I do appreciate everyone!!

Myself and my baby sister!
My sister, Terris is so truly missed and
everyday I am trying to move forward.....she was killed in a car
accident less than a month ago
(03/10/20) and I am just lost without
her.....so many folks have reached out to us
and I wanted to THANK YOU ALL so much! It means everything to me to
know I have folks to lean
on and count on!! I have received Wind Chimes
that I dearly love and listen to them everyday here in
North Carolina....as we have a continuous breeze.....thank you Brenda for
sending them after Gypsie
I love them! We also received flowers from
Paren's Mom in Ohio and that was just precious to me!!
I have received beautiful little Azalea plants
and Paren has planted for me and as soon as
they bloom I shall put up a photo....Thank you Susan & Rob for those....they
were planted in honor of
Terris!! THANK YOU!! I also received a beautiful
Wooden like Cross that is just beautiful and is
made to
hold in your hand with thoughts of your loved ones who have passed....it's
just beautiful! THANK YOU Jen
for that beautiful thought and I will cherish it forever!!
I have received many cards, messages, tests, phone calls and emails
regarding my
sister and I thank you all!! Means the world to me! It has
helped me with knowing that she is missed
by others as well...and it's helped me with the emptiness that is a constant
in my days....without her...
She has 2 kids who are lost as well without her and 4 grandkids and our
Brother in Ohio....
and so I
will ask that anyone who
would like to lift them up in prayer, it would be greatly appreciated!
I know that life seems dark sometimes for all of us....and especially now
during this crisis we are all in
with the Virus....but I also know that God has never left us alone and he is
there....we are all in this
together and I hope and pray for each of your families, that you will stay
safe and well and we can all
get back to our normal beautiful lives soon!!
If I have missed thanking anyone, it's certainly not on purpose!!
Forgive me if I have.

Flowers placed by wonderful friends of
Terris in Ohio
We currently have 2 litters
coming in May 2020!
Camo and Apache due May 12th to 15th
Nikkie & Brutus
due May 21st to 26th
I have limited spaces open for deposits but there are some spots still
We are very excited to announce these litters and if you have any questions
email me!
The puppies above will be ready for their new homes in JULY 2020!
If you have been waiting on a puppy and are on our
Deposit List...
Please contact me as our policies are
changing for 2020.
I will no longer being "holding" a DEPOSIT indefinitely......
I have several deposits, in which I have tried to contact the folks and I have
not heard anything back.....
I know it's hard to KNOW exactly when a puppy will fit into your lives, but I
too need to
prepare and know who to breed and how many puppies I will need :)
I really don't like to JUST PRODUCE PUPPIES......and this is the reason for the
MARCH 2020
March has started out with a sadness in my
heart. My sister who was the baby of the family was tragically lost in a car
I feel the privacy of her family
is imminent and so I shall not go into specifics. (PLEASE NO PUBLIC
THANK YOU for understanding this
But I know for me my
heart is broken....She was a constant in my life that I may never have
I feel a loss that will never be filled .....We were 5 years apart in years
as a number but never in our minds!
I just wanted to let folks know who have been trying to reach
me.....Grieving is a process and this one will be the hardest.
I will get back to you.....

Thank you for stopping by!
It's been a busy past few months for us! Kree's Puppies that were born in
October, left for their new homes
in December! Thank you all who have one of Kree's and Apache's
puppies!! Nikkie and Camo had puppies for us in November and
their puppies left in January! It's been quite the time of seeing lots
of my past customers come back and get another puppy
and meeting those new folks who now are a part of our extended family!
We are thankful and grateful for each and everyone
of you!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
Our Sweet GYPSIE has
passed away and we are beside ourselves.... My life has changed
forever......she was my strength!
She was strong and fearless, ever so watchful and had the biggest heart!
She was my protector and guardian....I never worried
with Gypsie at my side....my sidekick.....she will NEVER be forgotten!
She is missed terribly and I am still trying to find the
right words to describe the pain and that feeling of just being lost...
We have all felt this never ending ache in our guts with a lose of a family
companion...whether a german shepherd or another companion
and as I try to get myself back on track here, I want you all to know how
much we appreciate all of you!! Each and every one of You!!!
We honestly could not be more blessed then with the extended family in which
we are a part of! Your emails, phone calls, texts and
messages have been so appreciated! Gypsie has touched many lives and
we hope to be able to continue to do that through her two
daughters here at the kennel.....Nikkie and Kree will be a super big part of
my healing.....
God Bless You and THANK YOU again for stopping by......

We do hope that everyone who visits our
home online has a BLESSED THANKSGIVING!
We know that we are VERY THANKFUL for everyone who has one of our puppies
for those who are soon to be a part of our extended family!!
We have puppies now who will soon be leaving for their new homes and I also
Camo and Nikkie due to have puppies. November and December will be a
very busy
time of year for us!! Please stop back for updates!
So SORRY that it's been a while since I wrote something :) We have
been working on
a few things here at the kennel, actually a continuation of some repairs
from the
Hurricane Florence.....
You can visit the current litter, KREE & APACHE
and we have the upcoming litters
May God Bless you and your families this Thanksgiving
and Christmas Season!

September 2019
September has been eventful LOL
We made it thru another Hurricane!! Dorian! I just wanted
to know that we did fine and have no damage like last year!
Below are a few photos of some of the dogs afterwards :)
THANK YOU for checking in on us!! We appreciate all the phone calls,
emails, messages and texts!! They HELPED tremendously and we thank
YOU so much for the LOVE and PRAYERS!

PLEASE check out our
UPCOMING LITTER Page as well! We do have some wonderful
coming in October and November!! Best time of year to share puppy love!!
August has
arrived....still very warm and humid here in Eastern North Carolina!
We hope that Summer has been wonderful for you and thank you for stopping by
to see what
news we might have!!
We look forward to
announcing a litter from
this Fall as well!!
We should have pups early October 2019!
Litter Page
Paren has had another surgery and is headed for another one here in about a
He is doing pretty good and we are hoping this last one really gives him
some relief!
Thank you all for the nice messages, prayers and notes....we appreciate all
of our
extended family! TRULY!!
We do have a friend who has puppies and they are just adorable....raised
with other dogs
and lots of kids :) they are really wonderful companions! Check them
out on the page
Be sure to stop back later this Fall as well to see if we have any puppies
here in NC!!
And if you were one of the wonderful folks who got a puppy from us from Camo
Nikkie, please share your photos and thoughts with me...email me anytime!
I love hearing
about the pups and what they are up to!!
THANK YOU again and look forward to writing in September :) It's
coming quickly!!
JULY 2019
Well, ALOT has happened since my last update in April!
Sorry that it's been that lone!!
Two litters have come and gone now and I guess you can say I am an "Empty
It's hard to believe that it went so quickly!
Nikkie had 7 pups and Camo had 10 and they are all doing wonderfully in
new homes!
THANK YOU ALL for coming back for another one of our puppies! Means the
to us to know you would!
Paren had another surgery on July 16th and is recovering nicely. We
have a
couple weeks before seeing the surgeon again and there will be one more
this year for Paren....Thank you all for the Prayers and thoughts....it's
truly a
Blessing to know you all care!!
We should have more updates soon and hope that you will stop back for them!
Here are a few of the puppies in their new homes :) What a blessing to
see them
loved and happy!

Stop back soon!
THANK YOU again!
God Bless!!
APRIL 2019
Puppies from Nikkie &
Brutus are arriving April 28th :) Please check back for updates!
THANK YOU for stopping by and checking
on things here at the kennel! We announced last month
that NIKKIE and BRUTUS will be having puppies late this month and we also
have CAMO and BRUTUS
coming up as well. Camo will have her pups first part of May!
Spring has certainly sprung here in NC and we hope that you too are
experiencing the Spring changes!
Summer will be here before you know it!
We were able to get some of our kennel fixed from the Hurricane last year.
It's certainly been a PROCESS
for us....But we feel like we are making good progress.

Each section was taken apart and all wood was replaced. We did reuse
the metal siding and fencing :)

Apache was our faithful helper :)

We also put in a man door on this side of kennel for convenience :)
I am not sure we will even be DONE :)
But that is part of our life here :)
you all to know how much
we love and care about you! THANK YOU for being loyal to our dogs.
This upcoming time for puppies, will bring back many previous customers who
have been with us for YEARS!!
WE CANNOT THANK YOU enough for trusting us again with a new family member!!
We look forward to sharing our Summer with you! Please stop back as
there will be plenty of puppy pictures
and lots of additional photos of the dogs :)

Bugs continues to HELP me with raising my young pups....He doesn't look
happy with Apache,
but he is :) Also, Apache above-on his morning patrol LOL
PLEASE stop back soon!!
MARCH 2019
THANK YOU for stopping by!
We hope that everyone's Winter is going well and soon to be over :) We do
not get much of a Winter
here in NC where we are but we have had some chilly days & nights!
SPRING is right around the corner for many of
you.....we are now seeing our trees budding and the grass is green....we are
mowing already as well!
January and February flew by for us as Paren was in Recovery mode from his
neck surgery in December. He is doing
pretty good but still having some pain/numbness issues....We are hoping to
address this soon.
We have been trying to do
little things around the kennel that have needed done since last year,
during Hurricane Florence.
We had alot of damage to fencing and trees and really couldn't do any
repairs til after Paren's issues were taken care of
first.....Now we are slowly trying to fix up what was taken down....

The back area for the dogs to run in play in was really hit hard. We
had to remove all the temporary fencing. We were blessed tho,
as our son, Dustin had some fencing that he was not using at his shop and
gave it to us.....we were able to get it up just a week
ago and it's wonderful! They dogs actually have more room to run and
play and it opens up the back yard some, so you
can see through to the small pond and trees we have...
We still have much much more to do but we are going slow :) We have
more things to work on throughout the Spring and
hope to have updates for you.
is expecting and her puppies should arrive end of April 2019!
You can read more about her and Brutus' upcoming litter
We also have plans to breed CAMO and SOPHIE and will have updates in due
time :)
Let us also take this time to THANK EVERYONE for all their thoughts and
prayers during the last several months!! WE LOVE
and APPRECIATE YOU ALL! We feel very blessed to have such wonderful
folks in our lives! Your kindness has been such
a blessing!
THANK YOU again for
stopping by and we shall have more updates soon!
Sweet Pea (hen) and my tom Turkey-Handsome below....they are always together
and always next me :)

My two helpers :) They help me with the dogs and puppies....they are
both super patient and when dealing with
Shepherds, we all know how they love to chase.....Sweet Pea and Handsome,
help us work with the dogs...
Apache is the newest addition to the kennel and he is already best friends
with these two!

Apache....thinking LOL
THANK YOU and have a blessed and happy rest of Winter...Spring is right
around the corner :)
Please stop back!!

As we celebrate this
Christmas of 2018,
we truly do feel BLESSED!
We have made so many memories with so many folks and we are THANKFUL for
them and also GRATEFUL for them!
We have cried, laughed, struggled, worried and prayed ALOT!
who has graced our lives this year....as in years past. We feel like
we are
part of something way bigger than we are and this is a blessing!
We have received MANY phone calls, emails, text messages and messenger
messages along with MANY beautiful
CHRISTMAS CARDS! I have only one above but that does not mean that
YOUR card was not important to us... IT TRULY IS!!
We just wanted and needed to THANK
YOU for caring so much about us
and our dogs.... With your LOVE and GIFTS we are
going to be able to face what 2019 brings and we will share each step with
you all-because YOU ARE ALL A PART OF IT :)
We DO NOT KNOW who SANTA PAWS is above :) but we know we love them!!
We also have others who have done the same and
God will BLESS those who bless others....and we too want to continue that on
as well...
who have helped us through this
MOST DIFFICULT time.....it's been hard but it's been
such a blessing as well...2018 is almost over....but we are thankful for it,
as we are thankful for all of you and we LOOK FORWARD
to 2019 with much love and gratitude!!


As most of you know, we have had a really
"EVENTFUL" year :)
So many things have happened and we are thankful that we have been so loved
and supported by those who know us and have one of our precious pups....and
those who do not :) WE LOVE YOU ALL!
We experienced some frightening things but we knew God always had a plan and
so we just prayed....thanking him and asking him for
guidance thru this journey called LIFE!! This certainly has not been the
first rough spot we have walked through, and
as we all know, there will always be more....but we are grateful that we
made it through!!
As the year comes to an end, we find it almost IMPOSSIBLE TO THANK
everyone-individually, who has been a part of it.....so that is why
I have taken this time to write here where I hope that the message finds
everyone! We also want to thank those who were part of the GoFund Me after
Hurricane Florence. Your donation and LOVE was received with grateful
hearts and we cannot thank you enough!!
We plan to continue working through the tough days with Paren's healing of
his neck and
will hopefully be on track with some puppies in the Spring-time. We still
have some work to be done on the kennel
and yard from the damage that happened during hurricane Florence in
but it's things that can wait and we will tackle them one by one!
We have also been overly blessed by several folks and there will be updates
in the future of the kennel as well.
Please check back for the updates!! :)
SO with all that said :) We want to wish everyone a

We are also trying to help a friend with
her puppies...see below
We DO NOT have any puppies here in NC with us BUT we have access to some
beautiful puppies
that are ready for their new homes NOW.....and a great time before Christmas
IF anyone who has a DEPOSIT down with me, would like some information please
let me know!!
These puppies do carry some of my bloodline as well....
Click Below
I can send you the information and some photos!

November 2018
from our Home to Your this
We wanted to tell everyone that
we Love and Appreciate you
all :)
We have been so overwhelmed with love and prayers from all those who have
Pups! THANK YOU!! Means alot to us and we truly do feel that our
Extended Family is a
We are managing to get some things taken care of after the hurricane we had in
We will have more in the Spring as we will have the west side of the kennel
to replace on
the outside.....the decking sustained damage from the hurricane. Most of the
fence posts
in the front of the property are replaced....but we still have MORE :)
For now though, we will just wait til we can get to it :) Paren will be
having neck surgery in
December and we need to get thru that and about three months of
recovery....THANK YOU
for all those who have asked about him and who are lifting him up in
As for those waiting on puppies, I have to let all those know that we will
not have pups
til Spring 2019. If I have any updates, I will post them ASAP as I
know I have alot
of folks waiting.....and we do apologize!
The HURRICANE really changed
some things for
us as well as the girls did not come into heat properly afterwards....
AGAIN, we want to wish

September 2018
We really had alot going on in September this year.....we did survive
Hurricane Florence but with some
damages that will take time to repair. We are blessed to have so many
folks who have called, text,
messaged and emailed.....THANK YOU ALL for your love, support and prayers!
We are so grateful!
We did sustain some damages that will take time to repair, plus we have
Paren under doctor's care
at this point with neck surgery coming up in December....so for now, we will
make due and repairs
will continue in the Spring, Lord willing!
Thank you all again!
We are so blessed.....so blessed!
Nikkie and Camo's puppies are all in their new homes. Meeting each of
has added to our lives tremendously and for that we are thankful!! We
hope that your new additions
are keeping you busy and adding LOVE & JOY to your lives.....thank you all
Although, we were anxiously awaiting Gypsie's puppies, it didn't go as
planned. Gypsie had
some complications that we just don't understand and may never! We do
not have any puppies!
Gypsie is doing very well in spite of her losing 13 pups. Yes, 13! We
will forever hold them
dear to our hearts!
We do not have any upcoming litters at this time but we do plan to breed
next and hope that you stop back for updates :)
One other thing we do have upcoming is that Paren, my husband-will be having
neck surgery in the
near future and we ask for prayers with his recovery, as we have been told
it will be pretty extensive.
THANK YOU IN ADVANCE for those prayers!
Hoping that everyone's summer was very fulfilled and we the start of kids
back to school, we
are wishing everyone a wonderful end to Summer :)
FALL is just around the corner and I could not be happier LOL
Although, FALL here in North Carolina
where we are in certainly not what I am used to.....but we really do look
forward to the cooler temps!
THANK YOU ALL for being a part of our extended family!
Please stop back and GOD BLESS!!
JUNE 2018
Waiting patiently for puppies to arrive.
Nikkie & Camo are doing great and we should have pups sometime early June!
Please check back!
APRIL 2018
SPRING has arrived in NE North Carolina! It's a
beautiful time of year and I so love it here right now!
SUMMER is a different story and it will soon be TOO HOT to be outside LOL

Planted some flowers and will watch them grow :)
Everything grows so fast here in NC!
We also have puppies coming in JUNE 2018 from Nikkie and from Camo!
Watch our UPCOMING
LITTER PAGE for updates!
THANK YOU and hope that you are enjoying your SPRING as well!
January was a blur :) We were able
to get all of Camo & Brutus' pups in their new homes and one, MOOSE, fly
to Alaska :) It was a very full January :)
February brings us blessings with Gypsie &
Brutus' pups a week old on February 2nd and with lots more updates
as they grow! These puppies will leave for their new homes at the end
of March!!
February is a blessed month as we all know it's Valentine's Day on the 14th!
ENJOY this day and share the love :)

Hope everyone enjoys their February and we all know that SPRING is right
around the corner :)
Stop back later this Spring for updates on a couple of our young girls
becoming moms this year :)
THANK YOU all and Blessings to everyone!
December 2017
I just wanted to say
THANK YOU to all our
folks who have our PUPPIES
and those who will soon have one :)
We have been more the blessed over the
years of NOT JUST sending home a puppy
but creating friendships that have
lasted years and years :)
We continue to hear from those who have our old shepherds...
those who have
recently lost a best friend, those waiting on a
new puppy..
and those who are still THINKING they might want
a companion : )
It's been a beautiful thing to watch how so many
of our puppies have impacted those lives around us :)
Jesus is the reason that we are celebrating this beautiful time of year.
Take time to rest and enjoy your family, friends and please don't forget
your "Furry Friends"
THANK YOU all.....we love you and we hope that this Christmas is a very
special time for you!
THANK YOU for being a part of our lives!
Kellie & Paren and all the shepherds.....


Thank you all who have followed us this year....and who have
received one of our precious puppies!
We are most Thankful and Grateful that you wanted to share your life with
one of our puppies!
This year has had some challenges but we have made it through them best we
can! SO very thankful!
We do have a little of puppies coming anytime now from
and they should arrived sometime
on Thanksgiving, if not very close :) We will update you :)
We want to wish everyone a Very HAPPY & BLESSED THANKSGIVING and hope that
your able to spend this
time with your friends and family!
THANK YOU for becoming and being a part of our lives! We are truly
BLESSED and will always be happy to
hear from you with updates :)
Also, we wanted to share with you that KACIE- who we raised from puppyhood
and adopted out earlier this year,
Has been blessed with a wonderful family to love her. THANK YOU ART &
NANCY! I know Kacie is certainly blessed
and hoping the she is blessing you as well!
Love the updates and we hope that you have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Art & Kacie, November 2017
MAY 2017
Thanks for stopping back and checking on things :) MAY is here
already. Hard to believe that 4 months of this new year has flown by!
CAMO had her puppies for us on April 27th and she and her 11 babies are
doing great. Gypsie will have her pups next month....So looks like I
have my hands full :) Happy Times for me...I love my babies and meeting
all my new folks!
We did hear from a friend in Ohio who adopted BRANDI from us years
ago....BRANDI who was from our KODA and BUDDY has Crossed The Rainbow
She was an incredible girl from the start and first made her way to
Virginia.....after some unexpected events, she was back home with us.
She became a
wonderful MOTHER and we had many babies from her who are still blessing
others....Actually CAMO'S LITTER are Great Great Grandkids of hers...
We wanted to THANK MELANIE, who was an incredible MOM to Brandi....and
Brandi LOVED Melanie so much....First time they met, Brandi
jumped right in her VAN and said, LET'S GO!! It was a perfect match.
I always fear adopting out one of our shepherds, but this meeting
was perfect and they were perfect for each other! Melanie also has our
CHARLEE, along with her girl Kita!
WE CANNOT THANK MELANIE enough for all her love and care that she gave
Brandi along the way....
WE LOVE YOU Mel.....THANK YOU and we are so sorry for your loss...

Bless your heart sweet girl! We love you and will miss you!
Crossed The Rainbow Bridge....
March 2017
THANK YOU for stopping by
again.....We really do appreciate that you want to know how we are and how
things are going :)
We look forward to the CLOCKS changing AHEAD again....longer days....more
time to get things done :)
New this month is that
CAMO and BRUTUS will have pups coming
in APRIL :)
This liter is all spoken for at this time. We do have GYPSIE and SMOKE
coming up to be bred this month as well.
I am trying my best to get those WHO HAVE BEEN WAITING, a puppy to you :)
We were made aware of some sad news just
recently and that is that our beloved NEENO,
who was from CHEYENNE and BLUE, has passed. Neeno was super special to us,
in that she was the LAST PUPPY that my MOM was able to hold on her own. My
Mom had Cancer.
My Mom passed away in 2004 at our home and Neeno was actually named after my
Mom...a Fun name we used to call her :)
Neeno was born that year on our Anniversary, June 7th.....and my Mom passed
on June 20th..It was a very TRYING
Time for us all and we will forever be grateful to all those who were there,
surrounding our Mom with LOVE!
Neeno was adopted out to Wendy in 2012. Wendy loved and cared for
Neeno for several years before Neeno was
diagnosed with cancer....Unfortunately cancer is a mean disease and does not
bother to ask WHO it invades....
WE just want to THANK Wendy for all her LOVE and DEDICATION she showed
Neeno....it's truly a blessing to have folks want
some of our Older dogs....who we started adopting out late 2012. THANK YOU
Wendy for giving her a wonderful ending
to her life! Neeno had several litters for us and we are forever
thankful and grateful for her love and devotion to us and her puppies!

Neeno a daughter of Cheyenne and Blue-below

THANK YOU again for stopping by and please
come back soon!
Watch for updates on our

January & February
Thank you for stopping by to check
on what is happening at the kennel! Gypsie & Bugs' litter from November are
all in their new homes!
THANK YOU everyone who took home one of these little ones :) We have a
couple stay in NC, some went to Ohio and others to PA. We are
so excited to hear back from everyone on how they are doing and hopefully
get lots of updated pictures :)
We do have plans for Spring litters and we will announce them as the girls
are bred. We have some young females who will be first time
Moms and look forward to sharing their puppies with you!
You can watch the
for updates if you'd like :)
We hope that the New Year is
starting out wonderful for you and Blessings for Health and Prosperity.
We look forward to a year ahead full of love and laughter and sharing our
puppies and adults with you.
Max is over a year old now and turning into a HANDSOME young male...Kacie is
going to be a year old in April! They grow up so fast!
Brutus is 2 already and will soon be a father as well! And we have
Sophie who we love dearly and she is a big girl at 65 lbs and 5 months!
Nikkie is our girl from Gypsie & Bugs' November litter and we look forward
to sharing her with you as she grows up!
We have lots to share with you this
year and hope that you will stop back occasionally to see what is happening
THANK YOU again for stopping by and please stop back soon!
is here and it's a beautiful time of year!

Thank you for stopping by! We are excited to share with you that
Gypsie had her puppies on November 26, 2016!
ALL GIRLS :) Seven of them :) What blessings! You are see

I am grateful and thankful for all those who are already a part of our
extended family! It's incredible for me to see all your pictures you
send and all the updates!
I love each and every one of them :) We are also very excited to welcome all
our new folks into the extended family :) Can't wait to share your new
BUNDLES OF JOY with you :)
We want to wish you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and Peace to you and your family!
God Bless you and please have a safe and happy holiday! May your NEW
YEAR be filled with much love and happiness!

November arrived!
November was a very busy month
and we are almost to a close already.
THANKFUL for the wonderful friends that are
in our lives, who love our puppies!
We celebrated Thanksgiving with our family and feel very blessed to have
them all close!
Gypsie had her puppies for us on
November 26th and we will have more updates soon!
THANK YOU everyone who stops by to check out what is going on :)
Have a very Blessed and HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON!!
Thank you :)

Welcome October :)
We are excited to welcome in this month as the weather is usually cooler and
the dogs love being outside playing more!
I love being outside more as well. Summertime in NC is extremely hot
and humid!!
We are going to have some UPDATES later this month with who is pregnant.
We bred Gypsie
and Bugs and those pups will be born right around
Thanksgiving :) If you are waiting on a puppy from
this litter, PLEASE WRITE me at
misheps1@gmail.com so I can confirm it :)
Camo was bred to Brutus and as soon as I know FOR SURE, I shall announce her
puppies coming with dates and particulars!
So excited about this litter as well....
We will be welcoming a NEW girl to our home as well later this Fall....watch
for updates :)
THANK YOU for stopping by and please come again!

Our Blessing Tree
Up all year :)

September 2016
THANK YOU for stopping by and checking out what is NEW :)
FALL is my very favorite time of year....and maybe Winter here in NC!
The weather tends to be much warmer than Ohio where we are from! I keep
thinking that it will be COOL soon, but we are still in the
HIGH 80's to 90's.....and we are getting some of those RAINS that is usual
for NC this time of year as well.
We are waiting on our GIRLS to come into heat so we can announce some new
babies coming! We should have more puppies in the Late Fall, Early
Please watch the
UPCOMING LITTERS page for more
Also, looking forward to the holidays....Christmas time may just be my all
time favorite :)
We are blessed with so many of our friends and customers who update with
pictures and videos of their pups and dogs! THANK EVERYONE OF YOU!
We are grateful for your loyalty and love for the German Shepherd!!
Watch for updates soon....THANK YOU again for stopping by and please enjoy
the rest of the website!

Wow, I think the first part of
the year has flown by....what about you? Seems like I have lots of
great plans for Spring time and gardening and such and I always still, feel
behind :)
Gypsie and Bugs' puppies were
born on April 23, 2016. They are beautiful and I have one or two black
sable females available. You can visit their page
We did manage to get a few more trees planted. This property had NO
trees whatsoever so we decided to start planting a few every year. I
took a few pictures of LAST year's trees and the ones planted this
year...It's truly amazing how FAST things grow here in NC!! One year
later they are taller than me :)

The larger trees are the ones we planted in JUNE of 2015 and they have grown
this much. See the STICKS sticking up? they show where the small trees
are we just planted a few days ago.....

We also did a few in the front yard as well. Hard to see the small
ones...but they are there :) We actually brought a few Maple trees
from Ohio and they are doing very well here!! They were little twigs
when we planted them.
Anyways, we just wanted to share a little
about what we are doing. We hope the tress grow to be big and strong
and give us much needed SHADE for the dogs :)
We expect puppies at the end of JUNE from
Smoke & Bugs! Can't wait...they are wonderful puppies as
You can keep up on them
Thank you for stopping by....We hope that
everyone is having a wonderful SPRING and looking forward to Summertime :)

Have a great MAY!
Please stop back!
God Bless!

Sweet Pea & Max :)
Little conversations :)
Hope everyone's MOTHER'S DAY was special!
Mine certainly was! Very thankful!
Mother's Day was special....grandkids were
here and the pups got some attention :)

They are always sweet and gentle!

Love my cards and flower....look forward to watching it grow all summer :)
APRIL 2016
Thanks for checking in with us!
We appreciate it and hope that you find your stop here at Mintern's German
Shepherds, fun and interesting...We are anxiously awaiting Gypsie's puppies
this month....will be close to the end of the month! She is showing
nicely and we are excited as I have so many folks waiting patiently on us!
Watch for
Gypsie and Bugs' Puppies
towards the end of April :)
We hope that the start of Spring is special for all of you and that you are
enjoying the longer days and beautiful weather!
Please stop back when you can for updates! We have some news....Dr.
Gary's Best Breed Foods are now
available online at Chewy.com!
We have always had to tell our customers to call Best Breed directly or if
in Ohio, you can go to Doria at Kellie's Place. Now there is a simple,
fast and easy way to order the best food we have ever tried!
and search for Dr. Gary's Best Breed!! If you need any help or have
any questions about this food, please let us know! We love it and have
it shipped here to NC from Ohio!!