Cody has now crossed over
the Rainbow Bridge
26, 2007
As I sit and reflect back on ALL the dogs and what
they meant and still mean to me, I can't forget about this dear sweet girl :)
CODY was just the perfect dog in everything she put herself in! She is
missed dearly every single day and yet, I see her in all the dogs :)
I am most certainly blessed to be one of those people to still have HER with
She will always be IMPORTANT to me and as I start to slow down with the breeding
and with life in general, I find myself sad.....
Not in a bad way, just sad that I will not be able to share these wonderful
creatures with others....I love my dogs....they truly have
given me such a wonderful life....along with my sweet husband Paren, who, some
would say is still hopelessly in love with he
continues to help me with my Dream every single day... I am blessed..... I miss my sweet girl, I find such comfort in knowing that she is
still here with me....I thank GOD for such a memory and feeling!
Our sweet girl NIKKIE was born November 26, 2016....she becomes 1 year old this
year as we miss her Great Grandma Cody of 10 years...
THANK YOU for stopping by....means the world to me......and my dogs....
Again, I find myself almost in disbelief that my life has been almost 5
years without my GIRL!
SHE is everywhere here....everywhere....and with each new litter born I want to
KEEP a puppy as I feel I am HANGING ON to her and keeping her here, just a
little longer.....but as we all know, life catches up to us and I am certainly
FEELING THE PAIN :) I realize I am getting alittle older each day and
things aren't as easy as they used to be. I recently kept a black female
puppy, named GYPSIE :) She is solid black and so reminds me of CODY as a
puppy. Cody was so happy and cheerful and LOVED the kids and never wanted
us to yell-at anything : ) haha She was such a kind and gentle girl
and I see that in Gypsie...
I just wanted to share that I miss her....I really miss all the days that we
had, and didn't even know you ever think about that...everyday we have a
chance to LOVE and BE LOVED....don't let a day go by without telling
SOMEONE....even if it is your best friend and companion.....I LOVE YOU .....
Gypsie is from Cody's line and Bubba's line....there is even a little GIZMO in
there...he was my champ~regal and fearless :) I am blessed....this I
know..and I am grateful~
THANK YOU once again for stopping by....and being a part of my love and joy I
have for my shepherds....
As I write about my old gal Cody I realize that life really has marched on with
out her. Something I truly thought would or could not happen. She
was life of the party, so to speak :) She was always happy, greeting
everyone who came to the gate and would wait patiently til she was petted or
handed a "cookie" .....she seemed to know who exactly, would have a cookie
waiting for her :)
We have had alot of changes to this old place since her leaving. She would
have enjoyed every project-as that was her most favorite thing...getting RIGHT
IN THE WAY Of things : ) oh how we miss that...
Cody has been GONE 4 years....amazing that 4 years has passed that quickly....I
miss my old gal....My Cody...she was truly a foundation for me in a lot of ways
:) she was a wonderful gal :) I remember the day she left me....
like it was yesterday of course...rainy, chilly November day....but it was the
day I knew she was ready....I am still very sad without her...lonely alot as she
was my constant :) her and Bubba... I am so thankful for all the days that
I was given with her and will remember her always as the ROCK of my life and of
course, she was and still is the foundation of my kennel and breeding program...moreso...she
was a GIFT from God....this I know .....
YOU CODY for being the most loving, kind and gentle shepherd and for showing us
things that we didn't see ourselves, nor believe in :) YOU made it all
possible ~
I miss ya Mama.....more then anyone knows .......
September 2010
CODY......MAMA girl....I miss you......I honestly cannot believe that you
have been gone this long.
YOU would be so happy to see that Little Cody is a wonderful MOM.. She is
certainly named perfectly!
She is SO much like you Cody....
I struggle everyday without Cody around...She was my ROCK and I know I have said
this so many times, but she was just perfect :) I am still very blessed to
have a couple of Cody's girls still here with me, Koda and Kodie...and Little
Cody, her granddaughter....all producing incredible puppies for me.
Cody was not a show dog, nor carried not one title....but she was GRAND to
me...she taught me much and gave me more....for this I am all so THANKFUL....
I just wanted to say THANK YOU to all those who help us continue onward with
Cody's legacy.
Thank you also for reading about my Cody.....
January 2009
Life has certainly changed since losing my dear Cody.....I have experienced
other losses and one being Cheyenne, Cody's most incredible daughter....Cheyenne
paved the road for many others to follow....Cody and Cheyenne were the
foundation of what we do everyday here.....Those 2 girls have given us so much
in wonderful healthy, kind and loving puppies....I will continue in the journey
of producing kind and wonderful puppies to send home to incredible
families.....we know that we have been blessed and we are happy to share that
with YOU~
Thank you for visiting Cody's page....she is SO MISSED and no words honestly can
say enough about Cody, her daughters....sons.....and all those in her footsteps
to follow.....We just thank you for letting us share them with YOU~
November 3,
love you....I hope that you and Bubba have found each other by now. I miss
you both so much.. Words cannot express what the two of YOU have done in my
life!! Just needed to let you know that you are never far from my thoughts~
September 15, 2008
Cody, I
know there is a GOD and he will make sure that you and all the others are happy
and enjoying your freedom to run and play and be lazy shepherds :) But as
I write this with sadness, I hope that God hears my soon you will
be joined by BUBBA! I know Cody....he was always in your way and I
know....he just moved in and took over : ) You on the other hand went with
the flow of things and focused your energy on the KIDS! Brandon, Dusty and
Brittany had NO IDEA what they were in for!! You made them YOUR KIDS and
soon, you were the center of everything they were doing : )
Anyways.....Cody, I love you and miss you and hope that you will welcome BUBBA
with open paws!! He needs you CODY....although I think I need YOU
MORE....I am not so sure about this loss and NOT having you here for me....I
need you Cody.....Take care my gifted over my beloved Bubba for
me....He will soon be looking for you and Cheyenne!
April 21, 2008
Wow, to think that it's been that long without my girl! almost 5 a few days.... She is so missed. I have been enjoying her
grandkids from KODIE and also her great grandkids from MANDIE and NEENO!
It's truly a blessing to see all that she has given me....she continues to touch
my life daily in my thoughts about her, in talking about her and in sharing
those puppies with all my new folks! This time last year she was out back
walking around with me, enjoying searching for bugs and worms...yep, she was the
BUG HUNTER : ) I really miss her....funny in all her ways but truly a
blessing...I wish I were good with words...because I know what I want to say
about CODY and I want to share it with the world but I just can't find the right
words....maybe someday....I hope you have a love like that in your life :) It
really does change you....
THANKS for stopping by.......
March 1, 2008
Three's been tough to say the least....I look around and want to share so
many things with Cody....she is so missed. I am waiting for Kodie, Cody's
daughter to have her puppies soon. It's strange....Kodie is so much like
her Mom and being solid black looks alot like her as well. She has the
same mannerisms and is really a great I have been enjoying this one
on one time with Kodie and waiting for her puppies to arrive. Jack will be
a daddy again : ) Cody would be one of the first to greet the
newborns....she always loved puppies.....she was a fantastic Mom herself....
Anyways, thank you for stopping by.
On the outside, life has gone on here as hectic as ever : ) People come and go
daily, emails back and forth and lots of things going on and yet, my heart is
still hurting for my Cody girl.....I know she knows...I am blessed to have had
something SO SPECIAL for so long....
thanks again for stopping by.....
January 28, 2008
Having been
without Cody now for 2 months has been some of the hardest days of my life.
Her presence is still here along with many memories and of course, lots of her
kids, grandkids, great grandkids and even great great grandkids : ) We just
finished sending home KODA & JACK'S babies....CODY grandkids....and it was truly
a blessing to be able to share them with others! This was our FIRST
litter ever, that we sent home without CODY! She was always the
babysitter and checked out every litter of pups....always making sure they were
all ok....It really was hard for me...... Yep,
she is still here....I still find myself looking for her foot prints in the
snow....she loved the snow.....I still find myself wanting to make her breakfast
like I did for 14 years.......her bowl still sits in my kitchen : ) I know TIME
is the only thing that will ease my sadness.....but I still wanted to share with
you that she is GONE but NOT FORGOTTEN......It's almost unbelievable what she
has done for me and for many many others. I seriously think about it and
almost cannot comprehend it. I know as I write this there are so many
people enjoying the love of their dog that came down through Cody. I am
most certainly blessed and I am so grateful to be able to share those blessings
with others. THANK YOU for being such a great part of my life! I
mean that.....Cody and I really do appreciate that you have been so kind and
loyal to us! As we continue our journey into 2008 we hope to be able to
continue to touch and bless others with a Mintern Puppy!! As I look at my older
dogs and realize that life IS CHANGING, it's till very hard for me. I know
it will continue to change, just like others.....we are no different : )
So we hope that you will PET your doggie today :) Smile and know that they
are such a blessing in your life.....make every moment count and keep those
"cookies" and "biscuits" handy!! One thing I truly miss is watching Cody
get all excited for her COOKIE!!
THANK YOU again and please stop back from time to time....
December 23,2007
I have thought of things
to say about Cody that I haven't already said.....there is plenty.....when I
find myself feeling stronger and more able to write, the words will not fall
from my mind or hands....I am still missing Cody so much. Christmas will
be different this old faithful is gone......but I am just as close
to my wonderful and dear Bubba....he has certainly felt my pain.....seen my
tears fall and heard my heart crying out for Mama. He has been such a gift
to me.....I am certainly blessed and very thankful....This has changed
me....thought I could deal with it better then I have. It's harder to explain
then I ever thought it would be. I am staying busy though : ) with a
new baby girl in the house. Her name is Kati and she is a doll....Bubba
and Jack are exhausted : ) haha I promised Cody that I would do my
best and keep moving forward.....for her.....she is so missed....
I know Cody is here with me...everywhere...through many eyes that look back at
me daily....Thank you again for letting me share my sadness about Cody.....YOU
have made all this so worth it....YOU and your emails, cards, phone calls and
visits....Cody and I have shared so much with all of you....YOU are Family!!
In Cody's MEMORY we wish
you all a
from all the Fur

We have come a LONG
and we would like to THANK CODY for being such a HUGE part of it!!
Our Back Yard where the Kennel sits now....

T-Bone, Cinnamon, the
pup, Dink her Mom, Cheyenne and Cody
Just thought I would share this with's been a truly wonderful life!!
Cinnamon and Dink were our chocolate Labs....
December 2007
September 2007
My heart could not hurt more or harder! It's with great sadness that I
update Cody's page. I will be honest, I sat and looked out over our place yesterday, tears running
down my face, I remembered our very first days here....Cody was young and
happy, free to run and play! I am honestly not sure what words could described my broken heart nor do I
know what I will write about her at some point. I know in my heart she is
happier now, without pain and doing what she did best here.....being bossy :)
I am grateful and honored to have had such a kind and gentle spirit want to
belong to me.....She did anything I ever asked her to do, even up to the last
moments that we spent together... I do know one thing, she does leave behind sons, daughters, grandkids and great
grandkids who will walk in her footsteps along with me, til we all meet again.
Cody is leaving behind a legacy and I do not think I would want to be in any
other place then HERE, where she started it all. GOD gave me a beautiful GIFT in Cody. I have now given it back!! I am forever
grateful and thankful and I KNOW that as time passes I shall find comfort in
knowing she still lives......on!
November 29th
I have sat here at my
computer trying to find enough strength to write about my beloved CODY! Wanting
to share with you why and how this is all so hard for me.....then .....I thought back to less then a week ago, Sunday....Nov. 25th.....Me and Cody just had
a really nice day.....I had Miss Giz, a puppy from Cherokee and Gizmo up at the
house along with Jack and was a pretty nice day.....Cody
spent some time with her great grandpup....Miss was a really hard day
for me...I have struggled with my decision to let CODY go for months.....she
knew somehow....she knew my heart was heavy and she played with Miss Giz and
then looked at me and I knew she was done.....she was tired, hurting and I think
just plain ole worn out......
My struggle is no less, no
then what I am sure others have faced. I do not think I am any different
then any of you out there who have loved and lost.....but I know I am forever
changed because of Cody....she taught me things I would have never learnt
without her.....she was kind, patient, caring and loving....easy to love and so
gentle.....she knew when I would THINK about yelling at one of the kids or other
dogs : ) she would instantly think, WHERE'S THE DOOR : ) haha
she didn't want to be in the cross fire.....God, I miss you Cody.
I wanted to write about all
my memories, to share with you about things she did and was to me, but I think
YOU ALL KNOW that Cody was the reason for everything I did and will continue to
do here. Through her so many and I mean MANY lives have been touched and
somehow, through it all, she was just CODY...just my companion and my
friend, not knowing TRULY how she had made such an impact on my life. She
was my official Greeter at the GATE when anyone would arrive and she loved it.
She would dance around and brush up against you just so you could have a little
of her black hair : ) She would inform the others that SHE was the reason
you were here!! And when you would leave, she would go back to being CODY, my
best friend and companion....laying at my feet, asking for a cookie and giving
me that 'big brown eyes look' : )
Again, THANK YOU ALL.....for
helping me through such a rough time. I have received many cards,
beautiful flowers and unbelievable words of love and encouragement!! I
cannot express my gratitude and appreciation to you all.....I will try to
continue onward, knowing Cody would want me to....knowing that I have alot more
of HER to share with folks!! KODA, her daughter is due to have puppies
here any day. I am blessed.....needless to say that I still have such a
huge part of Mama here....with us still......
AGAIN, I say....
til we meet again............

October 8, 2007
Cody wishing everyone a wonderful Fall!!

Cody a few weeks ago ......
This page is ONGOING.....Cody at this date is still here with's
something that I wanted to start NOW while she is still here....Please
understand that I will add things all the's just something I wanted
to do for her....she is so precious to me.......

just one of her many litters for us....
Pictures of Cody just being CODY : )
silly girl!! I will truly lose so much when I lose taken Oct.
8 2007
You know.....alot of you know me so well and you know how I have struggled
with my LOVE and DEVOTION to my old girl CODY! It's been an incredible
ride Cody! To LOVE you has been such a gift and blessing.........TO YOU I
OWE so much.....YOU were there when I needed you, when not even a HUMAN was
around : ) It's a LONG LONG story but only Cody and I have the memories in
our hearts forever!
There is much that you do not know about Cody....many things that we love
about her, many things that we would just crack up over her. She was
ornery alot of times, stubborn, irritable and just snotty! haha That
is what I loved so much about her because on the flip side, she was loving,
devoted, caring, generous with her love, funny, happy, playful........well you
get the picture.....she really was one in MILLIONS!! not just a Million!!
My heart is so heavy with that thought of losing her. It's not
just the thought, it's the reality that I know will happen......We all have
loved and lost.....whether it be human or's extremely hard......I
owe so much to Cody.....many many days she was my constant companion......even
going to work with me many years ago as a puppy.....although my shifter in my
truck knew all to well what she was capable of! haha yep- she was a
puppy once and chewed about anything she could get her teeth into : ) but
even then I knew that she was special......really special!
I did not buy CODY to breed her......I bought her to be a companion to me and
my horses.....she proved to be just that.....sted fast always....never leaving
my I cleaned the barn, she was right beside me.....of course
finding a horse poo here and there to carry around!! I carried her on my
saddle for many miles in the beginning.....she never complained....almost like
she knew what she was there for and what she was truly was
strange...even then........she continued to grow and of course at some point she
was placed on the ground to HOPEFULLY follow me and my horse.......She DID just
At that time it was just me and Cody......existing......we lived with my Mom
and Misty!! It was wonderful! I grew up there and so Cody seemed to
FIT right in....She figured things out and learned to be GOOD when she needed to
be and was always bad when she had the opportunity!!!! : )
Then one day we met Paren and the kids.....yep......for all those who don't
know.....Brandon, Dusty and Brittany are not my kids : ) But in 1995 Cody
and me became part of Paren and his children's lives........Cody thought she had
died and gone to Doggy Heaven! She truly loved the kids and thought they
were the greatest thing......she played basketball, football,
baseball.......swam with the with them no matter what they were
doing and thought she could do whatever they did...... thinking back's pretty funny.....she really thought she was a HUMAN!! Paren,
my husband is a CONSTANT in my life as well.....He too along with Cody helped me
achieve a dream that most would consider IMPOSSIBLE! Paren believed in my
little black pup! There is a whole other part to this story : ) haha
Paren built our paradise, our home in which we live.....literally! He
built the house, the old kennel, the new kennel and he saw dreams before I could
imagine them. He is a wonderful man! Blessed is a word I may use all
too much but honestly, Cody and I were and are still so blessed to have such a
wonderful person in our lives : ) He loves Cody too......
Cody also had her first litter of puppies for us in our rented house in, thinking back now, it really does seem so long ago......we
found this house in which we live now and decide to purchase it.....but there
were lots of folks who thought we were just NUTS because the house was gutted,
completely and there were no dividing walls inside...nothing, so we had to
decide if it was something we could 'take on' and we I have said
many times over, CODY is the reason for what we do here and for being here!!
She had a partner in crime as well.....DINK, Paren's Chocolate Lab!! Dink
and Cody went everywhere with us...Dink seemed to be the stable one where Cody
was the happy, carefree, Let's do something type of dog......ALL THE TIME : )
Cody and Dink would hop in the pickup truck we had at the time and then our
suburban and we would come to the house daily to work on it. Paren did it
all....COMPLETELY! from windows, to the floors, electric and
plumbing......we worked day and night and in October we moved in.....NO, the
house was not completed but it was good enough for us! Cody and I felt
like we were in heaven! Paren has given me so many wonderful memories
here.....He too is the reason we are here.....he knew my heart was real with the
love of my Cody......
So Cody's first litter of puppies was trucked back and forth from Kinsman to
Burghill......daily :) We had a toddler's playpen that we would get out,
set up and place the pups in, put one side down and Cody would go in and out of
it to nurse and care for her pups and then come back to see what we were
doing....She was and still is the most NOSEY shepherd : ) She wanted to be
right in the middle of it all.....and she was!! Her first litter I kept
CHEYENNE and and, they certainly changed our
lives at the time and that is when everything changed......I placed the other
puppies and that is how it began......Most of those puppies are gone
now......CHEYENNE is still here at 11 years old working on 12 and is still one
of the most INCREDIBLE dogs that I will ever know. She is so smart and
caring, yet so intense and happy to work and play! T-Bone passed away not
long ago.....dearly missed and so loved!! Cheyenne had a very hard time
losing T-Bone and we almost thought Cheyenne wasn't going to make it from the
hurt and grief.....she survived it and her and GIZMO are best buddies
now....Cheyenne always liked being a Tom-boy type personality : )
So Cody's first litter was growing up and we had 2 litters almost at the same
time the next year.....Cody and our Lab Dink had their puppies 10 days
apart.....Cody had 11 puppies and Dink had 5!! Talk about funny and talk
about puppies everywhere : ) It was truly a blessing and we of course were
just amazed at them all.....still working on the house and trying to make it a
HOME!! I have to THANK all of those who were our FIRST
customers.......because of YOU and your love and dedication.......WE have made a
better place for alot of puppies!! After hearing back from lots of people
about how wonderful and healthy the puppies were turning out, we then decided to
have another litter......and each year we continued to do so until
With that short little look back in time, you may understand my heart at this
point....CODY had been here for me through it all!! Through meeting Paren
and the kids, to marrying Paren and the kids : ) and she has been there
through all the work on the house and then at different points, all the changes
we have made to the house!! Through the kids learning things and growing
up to graduations and now to seeing them on short visits when they are in town.
All three kids have grown up and moved away.....Cody also opened up her home to
my Mom and her two dogs back in 2004. I had a house full of dogs then but
Cody was the one who said, let them come in and stay! My Mom and her two
dogs, Misty and Dakota moved right in and that was that....Cody and Bubba never
blinked an eye and Bajah and Cree just went with the flow.....My Mom was and
still is the most wonderful and incredible person to have graced my life.....Her
and my Dad are both gone now......Cody again was there for me - My Mom was sick
with Cancer and only having limited time with her was truly a heart wrenching
experience.....but she shared so much with us in those short few
months....another changing moment in my life and Cody was my ROCK again.........
Cody has just been there for me.....PERIOD! I know alot of you reading
this have had the same type of experience with your shepherd.....they come in
all sorts of colors, sizes and personalities......Consider yourself one of the
lucky ones!! Having a shepherd in your life has made you love and
understand things much more : )
Cody really is getting tired......she has never once complained to me about
anything : ) always happy with her life! Funny thing is - is that
she thinks she had a great life.......but SHE is the one who made mine
incredible : ) Looking back at her and her first few litters I remember
being so strong and connected to HER! Even though Cody was never one of
the prettiest shepherds around, she produced some of the most gorgeous puppies
and adults for us. I would sometimes be asked if she were a shepherd/lab
mix : ) even some folks thought she was a Lab!! Her one ear when she
was young never really did stand up straight because of ME not because of her : )
My horse stepped on her when she was a puppy.....yep, a mistake that I made sure
I told many people about in the years to come so they would not have to go
through the same thing : ) But when people asked me these things, I just
smiled and said, she is a German Shepherd! All Black and just
wonderful....some folks said OK and purchased a puppy...others were not as
impressed and did not......To them I say.......Too Bad For missed
out on an experience of a lifetime : )
I have watched Cody grow from a lanky, ornery little black puppy to this
wonderful strong and grounded best's been a road well traveled
with lots of bumps and rocks! BUT........I honestly AM a BETTER PERSON
because of Cody.....I am!! She has taught me and I would assume others so
much : ) She is closing in on her last days here at the farm.........sadness
covers my heart and in trying to let her go, I find myself trying harder to hang
on.......tears roll from my eyes just writing these precious words......I hope
that if you take nothing else away from reading this, that you atleast look back
in your own life and remember a "special" dog who just may have changed your
life : )
How I will say Good-Bye is unknown to me at this point. I know it is
unstoppable. I know soon I will have to let her cross the Rainbow
Bridge.....I suppose that she may even be anxious, to run and play with the
others who have gone already, without pain or arthritis pulling her down.
I suppose that is what should push my heart in the right direction and try to
let her go. I suppose my time with her is short......but it's been the
most perfect years of my life with her in it. She gave me HOPE when I
thought all was hopeless......She gave me LOVE when I really didn't think love
was possible, She gave me Freedom to be ME........without judgment, always
seeming to be steady and strong, always doing that for ME!
I hope that anyone who has had one of Cody's puppies has been blessed with
love and joy in their life as we have been here!! All those who have one
of her grandkids, great grandkids or even her great great grandkids........THANK
YOU!! Thank you for sharing your life with them!
I know not what to say to close this about Cody so I won't............I find
myself afraid of the END with her......but when it happens, I will be sure to
share it with you....Because of YOU, who believed in CODY way back then......we
are here NOW, more blessed then ever - able to continue to share our love and
This was sent to CODY from my
sister......who had been there through it all with me.....with Cody.......with
Good Morning Cody,
I was just checking out your Mom's web page like I do almost everyday and was
looking at pictures of you. :) As I look back and remember when she brought you
home to Nanny's house. Oh how small and full of energy you were. You were so
so ornery. You and Misty would run through the house after each other and we
would laugh for hours watching you guys run.
As I sit here and think of all the things you and your Mom have been through
puts a smile on my face. I just want to thank you for always being the most
loyal friend to my sister. :) I know you know how much she truly loves you but
I am here to tell you that YOU are her world and always have been. Now, I see
her smile turning upside down when she talks about you but that is only because
her heart is breaking and I know she does not know how she is going to make it
through a day without waking up and seeing her CODY. Some how I know you will
find a way to show her that you and her will be okay because that is what you do
for her.
I just want you to know how much Aunt T. loves you too. You have and always
will hold a big place in my heart. You have put a paw on all of our hearts. I
thank you for that!
You go now and rest. Lay your head down and have happy dreams and thoughts!
Aunt T. will see you soon! :)
Love you with all my heart Momma!
Love Aunt T.

I love you Cody!