All our puppies go home with a
Puppy Pack
which includes the following:
*First-ME for
life!! : )
*AKC Registration Papers
*Dr. Gary's Best Breed Puppy Food-4 lb bag
Collar and Fun Bandana :)
*Written Sales Contract, Guarantee & Receipt
*Microchip Information

* AKC REUNITE Microchips available-please inquire
*Vaccination booklet with shots & dewormings recorded
*Copies of any of the Parent's Pedigrees, OFA, DNA & DM Info.
*Sample of
Vitamins & Information for Ordering
*Springtime Inc.'s Catalog-We use their Garlic
for our dogs!
*Feeding Schedule for puppy
*Booklets, Catalogs & Fun reading
*Crate Training Information
*Informational Websites
*Puppy Training Tips
*Puppy is bathed & ready to leave :)
*Information regarding the
Volhard Puppy Aptitude
including a copy of your puppy's test for your records.
All puppies will forever be a part of us and we will always be available for
phones calls, visits and emails!
We take pride in knowing that you have US
for the LIFE of your new baby! I personally take great pride in knowing
each and every one of my puppies before they leave here.
Each Puppy has a
folder that I keep with his or her information and any pictures, emails, letters
and accomplishments from you.
Puppies usually can go home with
their new owner somewhere between 7 and 10 weeks of age.
This also
depends on the circumstances of the new owners.
Puppies that spend more
time with us are socialized daily and adjust very well to a new situation when
the time comes.
I add information to the Puppy
Packs continuously. It also depends on each litter as to what information
will be helpful for you.
I try to send home as much information as I can to get
you started.
Please feel free to email me with any questions, concerns or
suggestions for the Puppy Pack that may help you.
Thank You!!
Please click on the links
below to learn more about the food that we have fed for the last 10 years.
there are other links to help with all the info that I send home : )
We are very happy and pleased with them.
APTITUDE TEST- Read about it here.......
Vitamins-This is a great
vitamin that is in a wafer or powder form
Springtime Inc.-Wonderful
source of All NATURAL Products....We use the GARLIC from Springtime. Click
HERE for more
Information on Springtime Garlic!!
Y ou
can order
NuVet Plus
Breeder Referrals & Veterinarians only.
Breeder Code 43535-this is the code you will need to order
NuVet Plus-vitamins, minerals and antioxidants
They also have a product called NuVet Joint- an anti inflammatory hip & joint
therapy!! It's great!!
from Springtime, Inc. for all your animals!
Below is a page directly from their catalog! So many folks think that

Springtime, Inc
AKC REUNITE Microchips Available.......
Puppies sometimes do have problems adjusting to their new
surroundings and there can also be feeding & training issues to address.
Please DO NOT
hesitate to contact me after purchasing a puppy, if you have any concerns.
I am always willing to help and to hear how things are going. I too,
have puppies in the house and believe me : ) it's nice to have help
available : )
NEED HELP with training...?? If you need help with something, please feel free to call or
email me right away. We will try our best to find an answer.....
We are
dedicated to helping YOU and YOUR MINTERN PUPPY have a great life together!
It's alot of patience sometimes but in the long run, it's an incredible
Just Keep me posted on things! We can find a solution!!
I am NEVER TOO BUSY to help either........PROMISE!!
A great place for Great and HONEST help is
Ed Frawley has experience we wish we all had!!
Please check out his
website for help on many issues, including Housetraining, Puppies Biting,
Obedience work and many many other issues. Of course, everyone is entitled
to their own opinion, so there may be things you or I do not agree with, but for
the most part, it's a very helpful site.
Great place to go for information on House Training is
Homes for Pets. I send home a pamphlet from Midwest Homes that includes
wonderful information.
*PLEASE take some time to read
about VACCINATIONS for your puppy. I feel very strongly about raising our
pups and adults holistically and naturally....This website below has a lot of
information regarding ANIMALS and PEOPLE! I hope that you enjoy it.
Shirley's Wellness Cafe

The Whole Dog Journal!
A source for the NATURAL and HOLISTIC Approach!

Thank you for stopping by!