Gypsie Girl
Vom Kodie Mintern
Mi Jack Frost Von
Mintern & Mi Kodie von Mintern
Black, AKC, DNA, DM Clear
February 17, 2012-February 6, 2020

One of the saddest days of my life.....February 6,
She was a God Given gift.....
3/6/20-I have
barely survived ONE MONTH without your presence....your whiskers, your fur and
your warmth!
I know that you have crossed the rainbow bridge and there are others there
waiting....but I am selfish and I miss you!
I miss that feeling that no matter what I did, you were there.....looking and
watching, waiting....what did I want you to do....
You never complained about a thing.....such a wonderful kind girl you were.....I
miss you.....terribly.....
just want you to come back.....
Still searching for my New Normal......Bugs hasn't left my side since we drove
you away that day.....and I am
thankful for that.....You and Bugs were always my safety net and zone and so I
find your presence here with Bugs...
He is a gentle and kind soul who like me, misses you.... He is helping
me.....and somehow I must get thru this!
Missing you everyday....
This day was Gypsie's LAST RUN,
Her last meal, her last belly rub,
her last walk, her last ride, her last rest, her last breath.......
May we ALL LIVE like that.....loving life and being loved....
I am a bit broken at this time and I
know that life will continue onward...but it's a hard hard day for me.
She was like a fire that never went
out.....always there....always on.....I am lost without it to say the least....
Her blood runs thick through my kennel and I am ever so thankful for that....she
has 2 daughters here who will
help me drudge onward....they too are carefree and loving....happy
girls.....such a blessing.
Gypsie brought so much joy, fun and laughter to my life.....never unhappy and
there.....always there....I feel empty....lost and a bit unwell....
Good Bye my sweet baby girl......you saved me many times from so many
Making the trip from Ohio to NC was one of my hardest times of my life and she never missed
a moment to be my girl.....happy and carefree....She actually helped me feel
normal.....leaving behind
so much....she was my constant.....her and Bugs were just always there, always
BUGS is having a tough go at this as well....he knew yesterday when we took
Gypsie away....he wanted to go!
This morning before I knew what had happened with Gypsie, Bugs never ate a bite
of his food.....
They were so connected......
Thank you all who have been a part of Gypsie's life.....She will certainly NEVER
be forgotten....
I appreciate each and every one of you!!
GYPSIE did not die of old age.....or from
complications of old age.....
Gypsie died of a twisted stomach, flipped stomach, or what some of us know as
She was my fierce protector of all things....including anything BIG or anything
LITTLE, down to a buzzing bee!
She was the one to "get it" and she was very proud of that.....
But as I try to rewind things and set them straight in my mind, I know for sure
that in her mind, she was doing the right thing!
We have some un-taken care of pigs that run the neighborhood..... and please,
before making judgment, we do live in the country
on a dirt road, where you might see these things from time to time....BUT these
pigs have been a bit of a nuisance for
a while....we have yelled at them to go home and most times they would look at
us and then go back to eating our yard....
Gypsie was not fond of the pigs or any THING outside our fence....she truly was
the protector of all things here! As I write
this, I find myself proud of Gypsie for being so bold with those pigs....but
then again, I know that is why she is not here
at this very moment....
Gypsie, without knowing that it would be her LAST RUN did chase the pigs in the
front yard and because of the light of the
day or just the chase that was on in her mind.....she did not see the fence and
post that she was about to run into....roll
and get back up and continue her chase.....
The rolling that she did, flipped her stomach and that is the reason she is not
here with me today....
Obviously she seemed fine but as the next couple of hours ticked by, with me
thinking my world was still so blessed,
she came to me with a look of despair.....
KNOWING what was happening, I did everything I could have as fast as I
could.....Paren and I love this girl with everything
we have.....but for some reason, Gypsie's stay here on earth was not meant to go
Fighting my own mind, I struggle with so many things....all the I COULD HAVE'S!!
It's torture and I don't wish it on
I tell folks all the time about running and jumping too much and playing too
hard and too much exercise hurting the
bones and growth plates....but now I will be adding THIS.....THIS.....took my
girl from me...THIS changed my life forever!
THIS is harder than I ever imagined....as I truly did imagine laying with Gypsie
and saying good bye, because of OLD AGE,
So please hug your puppy, your dog, your friend RIGHT NOW! Know that even
though you are doing everything RIGHT,
that there will come a day that they will be gone.....
I am struggling and I will continue to struggle but I always felt it was
necessary to let everyone know that she died
with her dignity and with her sense of self and love.....she knew that we loved
Gypsie was the QUEEN here.....my all knowing girl......she is dearly
missed.....my heart is hurting, it feels empty and
I also know in TIME, I will heal in tiny pieces....all put together.....I love
her....I will always love her.....
I will miss her sweet face, her kind eyes and her warm body....always next to
I am ever so blessed and lucky to have had such a dog.....yep...she was OUR DOG!
Our Family! Our sweet Gypsie....Paren and
Gypsie had a wonderful bond as well.....and he is missing his girl as well.....
THANK YOU GYPSIE.....for being our dog!!
Run Free my sweet baby girl....run with the
wind.....run free......run like you have never run before......
THANK YOU for taking the time to read this.....

Smiling :)


Gypsie & Bugs :)

Our chasing her ball on a cool morning :)

Taking a break :)

What an incredible gal Gypsie is. She is BIG and BOLD and beautiful to
watch move over the ground :) I love her so
much! She brings years and years of my hard work with my bloodlines
together. She makes me proud to say she is mine....every day :)
She is protective and will be forever watchful of our property. She is the
She is fearless and oh so every loving...in every ounce of her being : )
THANK YOU all who have one of her puppies and watch for more puppies in the Fall
of 2015!!

Gypsie's belly is a little larger
here....waiting on her litter in these pictures :)

Gypsie will help us carry on the most wonderful bloodlines!
She is intelligent and kind, loves everyone and will be our foundation
girl as was her mother, KODIE and her grandmother CODY :)

never ever far from me......

1 year old...WE LOVE HER!!

Gypsie & Bugs....her BEST FRIEND :)
They are incredible together : )

Gypsie with Heidi....

Gypsie has the "kindest" eyes....as though she knows my heart is still sad
without some of my old dogs....Gypsie is sweet and funny.....soft and
loving....I KNOW I am more then BLESSED to have this little girl :)
Gypsie's MOM-Kodie

My girl Kodie....she is a wonderful MOM and companion
I am more then blessed to
have this gal with me.
Her Mom CODY was and still is the foundation upon which I move forward with our
Kodie's Mom, Gypsie's Grandma

My old girl CODY.....gone BUT certainly not forgotten..
I love ya Cody!