Chey has crossed over the Rainbow Bridge
Conny Schwartz Schoneit x Huntmere Cody von Terror
Black & Silver-Female
DNA Profile #V206751

MY sweet Cheyenne at 12 years old.....after many beautiful babies that she has
given me....

This is Cheyenne, February 2006! Her eyes tell it ALL!
How much do I love this dog............ well, some would say way too much,
others would say, oh just a little, wink wink and then I guess I would say
probably never enough! She has been such an inspiration in my life and kennel.
She is a wonderful MOM, Grandma and Great Grandma and keeper of
all...............she has RUN my kennel for years : ) and we are blessed to have
such a wonderful dog be a part of who we are. Her mother, CODY is just as
incredible and loving!
I know that Cheyenne is happy to be here as well!! Her father was a WHITE
SHEPHERD who we still talk about and wonder how he is doing........Love the
white shepherds........
Cheyenne................please know that I am writing this NOW while you are
still with us and NOT after you leave and cross over the Rainbow Bridge......so
many times we wait too long to write things or says things............ that is
why I had to let folks know that Chey is just a great dog and
companion.....always willing and is still acting like she is 2 years old : )
Thanks for taking the time to read this! May you find YOUR Cheyenne in your life

Cheyenne is a blessing!
God, I love this dog!!!!! She is a beautiful Black and
Silver. We never grow tired of
Cheyenne and we never know what she will come up with next. She is a true
trooper and will do anything asked of her also. Her Mother is Cody.
Cheyenne continues to help with raising new puppies, teaching them things that
we are grateful for : ) She is so funny and so energetic : ) I cannot
think of enough words that could described her personality. She loves
people and is always happy when visitors come. Her time to shine : )
She keeps them all busy with a ball throwing session : )
Cheyenne is my GIRL and will follow in her Mother's footsteps, CODY.
She provides love and gentleness to her pups and they are so obedient. I
will forever carry Cheyenne in my heart, for she has always been stable, willing
and loyal and you cannot ask for anything more!!
She has a couple of daughters here at the kennel and they will
follow in her footsteps. They are Sylvia and Cherokee, Mandie.
and Neeno. Her son, Harley is
one fantastic boy.
Cheyenne produces very strong willed puppies who want to work
and please. They are very easily trained and have done well in Obedience
classes and Schutzhund. Always willing to work and play. Cheyenne
always has a ball or stick in mouth and ready for play.
Thank you.

Cheyenne is 11 this year and just ONE
FANTASTIC SHEPHERD!!! and young as ever : ) She is now
OFFICIALLY retired. THANK YOU EVERYONE who has a Cheyenne baby! I am
sure you understand my love for this beautiful girl!!
More pictures click here.