Conny Schwarz Schoneit (Cody Black Beauty)
BRIDGE November 26, 2007
Black Female
Cody has crossed The Rainbow Bridge....and this
was one of the hardest days of my life.
I have not felt grief such as this other then when I lost my Parents.....Cody
will always be THE ONE who gave me life after so many things were not good in my
life! SHE is the reason I carry on with the kennel and puppies!
She is THE REASON all that we do here is POSSIBLE.....She made us love her from
the start....even as a puppy.....ornery as ever and giving me gray hairs way
back then : ) She did it all with us.....helped raise the kids, work on the
house, build the old kennel and then build the new kennel and through it all she
has been the ROCK and FOUNDATION......I really do love this girl......My heart
is breaking as she ages.....she is still HERE with me and yet her body is saying
it's tired and worn out.....She has traveled over 2500 miles with me and my
horses......has had several litters for us totaling 78 puppies....yep.....that
is a lot of puppies.....she always loved being a MOM!! She is still close
by me where ever I am here at the house and kennel....she watches and
waits.....visits folks at the gate when they stop by and even plays ball a
little here and there.......Time is slipping from HER and from Me.........and I
am not sure how to say GOOD-BYE.......just not sure......

This is my best friend! She is incredible.

here she is.....May 2007.....playing ball while we were taking pictures of her
and some of the other dogs.....what a BLESSING she has been to me!!

CODY October 2006, enjoying the nice warm afternoon.....LOVE THIS DOG!
Can't explain it in words......Just wanted to share with you!!
in the MIDDLE of it ALL : ) haha she is doing great!! It's
been over a month since she had her surgery and is just GREAT! Love this
old gal! She is my inspiration daily!!!!!
I LOVE YOU CODY............ everyday, with all I
have.............. YOU are an amazing Shepherd! I am thankful daily
to have had such an incredible dog by my side......never once did I ever think I
was worthy of such kindness and dedication. I say this NOW before you
cross the Rainbow Bridge........I want everyone to know that YOU are everything
to me..........
CODY HAD SURGERY on JULY 5th, 2006!! She is doing AMAZING
and all is well.
is actually doing very well! She had GOLD BEADS inserted into areas of her
hips with Arthritis.....It is something that people have done for
years........regarding arthritis and it's alot like acupuncture..........She is
up and about and spent some of today with us outside......She is an INCREDIBLE
dog........I love her sooooo much.....she is such a kind hearted the vet's she was visiting with ANYTHING that would visit
with her....haha she loves Cats and anything else! We feel so lucky
and blessed to have CODY!.
Cody and Bubba have changed my life!! Seriously!!
Thank you for reading about CODY! She is, was and always will be my
INSPIRATION to preserve the kindness, integrity and loyalness of the German

Above pictures taken May 2006! LOVE this dog! She is getting old and
we love her SO MUCH! She is always with us and loves to be outside!
Here is a couple of Cody's Great Grandkids : ) from Lil Toot and Kazan's
Litter 2006!
We call her Cody. She is our very special
girl. She
is East/West German bred and American. She
is solid black and a foundation female for us. She
loves to play with the kids and is Grandma & Great Grandma to several of our puppies. Her
right ear was broken as a puppy, if you are looking at her picture to the right
and are wondering : ) We don't consider it a fault, just part of who she
This site & my breeding program would have never been in existence
without Cody.
She is a true companion and always willing and ready to do anything that is asked
of her. She is so dedicated to us as a family and has always
been involved in everything we have encountered. She has made the
"road of life" a little easier many times.
Cody's bone structure is wonderful and she passes this and her lovable personality
on to her offspring. She has gone many miles with my horse and I and has never
missed a turn! She continues to be a part of the farm life and still jumps
up into the truck to go "bye byes" daily! Just this past month
she was gladly riding behind me on the 4-wheeler : ) She is active and
happy. She is my companion and words just cannot explain what she means to me.
Visit the other females to see how they are related.
We Love You Cody! I love you Cody! It's like a marriage, we have
been through thick and thin together! I look forward to the future,
because I know she has helped me face whatever it may bring, though one
day she will be gone, she definitely has made me a MUCH BETTER PERSON and that
makes my heart happy!!
Thank You for visiting!
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