The above pedigree is for Apache who is a Certified DNA'D Panda German Shepherd.
We did testing for the KIT Gene at University of California, Davis
Apache Carries some of my OLD bloodlines through Mi Moonlight above from Mi
Chief and Apache Princess.
Apache also is a GREAT Grandson of the ORIGINAL Lewcinkas FRANKA Von Phenom
We are proud to ADD APACHE to our legacy of our Kennel. Watch for him to
father some puppies in 2020!!
THANK YOU for visiting!!
I DO NOT OWN some of the photos below, but only showing some of the beautiful
shepherds in Apache's pedigree!

Mercy Malak Panda Von Ravenswood Hollow

Mi Boom Boom Von Ravenswood Hollow

Mi Moonlight Von Ravenswood Hollow

Panzer Vonhaven Of Phenom CGC

Khaleesi Malak

George of Ravenswood Hollow

Olga of Ravenswood Hollow

Mi Chief Snow Warrior Von Mintern

Apache Princess Von Snowcloud

Lewcinkas FRANKA Von Phenom CD

Viernheimi Lex