Mi Mishka Von Ravenswood Hollow
Brutus & Gypsie
June 22, 2017
Mishka is from a super long line of my dogs.....starting with my incredible CODY
who always will be a gift from God!
Cody basically raised our family :) Cody was bred to GIZMO and had
KODIE-who was the next gal to hold a special place in my heart!!
Kodie was bred to Jack Frost and GYPSIE was born! Kodie and Gypsie both made the
trip to NC with us when we moved!!
GYPSIE then was bred to BRUTUS giving us our sweet and very athletic Mishka!!
Mishka also carries very strong lines back to Snowcloud. For those of you who do
not know about Alice and her Snowcloud
Shepherds, well lets just say you missed an incredible beautiful person and
story! Alice was and still is to this day my
Mentor, and although gone she is truly NOT forgotten!! I think of her
every day!!
We are happy to introduce Mishka!! She is a true heartfelt MIX of what beautiful
dogs from the past!!

Below are photos of Mishka as a puppy :)