MI Kesha Vom
Yasso Von Fleischerheim
x Snowcloud's Meggi Mist
Black & Tan-female
AKC, DNA, OFA, Micro-chipped

Kesha has crossed the rainbow Bridge. It was hard to
say good-bye to such a kind and gentle soul. She left me in a time
of my life that was hard and I think that made it harder to say
good-bye. I still miss her everyday! I do have her daughter here,
SMOKE, who is a doll as well and we have ELLIE, who is one of her
Granddaughters :)
THANK YOU for stopping by....
Kesha is a very happy and cheerful girl! She LOVES
having visitors and has been enjoying our new thing here at the kennel,
by having MEET THE PARENT'S DAY.....she loves it when everyone shows
up....she thinks they are all here to SEE HER! She has proven again and
again to us, that her wonderful German bloodlines mixed with Bubba's
bloodline can do....they are beautiful shepherds as well as having
incredible dispositions.....I can honestly say she is probably one of
the HAPPIEST GIRLS we have ever had!!
Meggi was Bubba's AUNT MEGGI....So KESHA is one of the few girls here
that will carry on an incredible bloodline.......

Kesha showing me her belly.....we should have puppies in April 2012 :)

A belly full..... :)

I'm trying to finish my cookie but MOM keeps trying to get my attention
to take my picture!
Is this good enough?? now can I finish my cookie MOM?

Kesha is from a super German Line!!
Her father is
Yasso Vom Fleischerheim!
See Fleischerheim German Shepherds
Read about
him by clicking on his name.
Mother is
Snowcloud's Meggi Mist
Meggi is a dear
sweet girl! We just love our MEGGI : )
Kesha is a
very nice size female. She is very happy and always talking.
Wonderful, wonderful bloodlines : )
Her parents below......

Snowcloud's Meggi Mist &
Yasso Von Fleischerheim