Mi Jack Frost Von Mintern
Snowcloud's Denali & Mi Kesha
Vom Mintern
THANK YOU all who have one of his babies.
He is a wonderful boy, happy and carefree....
Jack's Pedigree
He is KIND and GENTLE and has a heart of gold...
he is a little over 100 lbs now and still growing...

Jack playing ball beside the house....


Jack.... :)

Standoff with our Rooster-George :)
George LOVES the
dogs....so there is no problem......

I need some real good shots of Jack
but he was more interested in the leaves and smells of Fall :)

Notice the small crate in the
background :) That is for Bruiser : ) the Chihuahua :)
He is safe there :) ha

Jack playing in the
house....yes, that is the "famous" call that all the dogs seem to play with...
it's been around a LONG time....
Jack hanging out in the
store with me...

10 weeks old....29 1/2 lbs....
Week 1
Week 2 Week 3
Week 4
Week 5

Denali is Jack's Father

Denali's Dad
Nitty is on the left and she is Denali's Mom
Cody is on the right and she is Denali's Grandmother

Kesha is Jack's Mother
Yasso is Kesha's Father Meggi is Kesha's Mother |