MI Gizmo of Burghill
Black & Tan Male
DNA, Micro-chipped
I lost my dear and
sweet boy......November 22, 2009
He was the very first boy that I purchased....was the most incredible
More devoted then so many of them :) He lived and died for me...hung on
til the very end...
MY heart is broken.....AGAIN.....I knew these days would come in my life...in
which I would lose the first shepherds that are now the foundation of my
bloodline and kennel...It's truly heartbreaking to have to say good bye to such
sweetness and kindness....He has many babies out there...many of you who are
reading this may have one of Gizmo's kids :) THANK YOU ALL~~~ THANK
YOU soooo much for being a part of this wonderful journey in which we have been
on with our Shepherds.....
GIZMO was the main stud dog here for our kennel for years...only a few others
have been part of the program..
Bubba, being one of them who I lost last year.....
Again I THANK YOU ALL, who purchased one of
his FIRST PUPPIES and one of his LAST...and all those in between.....He
certainly was a great EXAMPLE of what a shepherd is....truly amazing :)
I continue onward....having many of his kids
here with me....I will keep his great bloodlines alive...

Giz....November 2007

MY BABY BOY......GIZMO.....wow, to think he is 11 years old.....I am
MORE blessed then words can say!
THANK YOU for visiting!!

November 2007

May 2007
We love this boy! He loves being my
boy!! He is just WONDERFUL!
was just
awesome. Bred from the Sukee line on top, including CH SUKEE'S
FRAN-JO, he just spills
over with a royal look and kind eyes. Dedication is a given with this strong
male. Nicely bred on the sire's side and East/West German bred on
the dam's side. Many, many Champions run through Gizmo's bloodline. He
is worth so much more then words can say. He is precious and Loyal to
me. I am forever thankful to have him a part of this family.
He was truly one of our perfect boys. He was
always waiting for me and couldn't
stand to be without me. Loved to do anything that you do with him.
Wants to be at your side always and lets you know of any intruders- right
taught many new pups their manners and loved every minute of it.
Gizmo would father a little kitten or even a little bird, if I told him to.
He was just a wonderful friend!
Another of our Gentle Giants, he is just
everything we would ever want in a companion. Proven producer of
wonderful, loyal and dedicated puppies. We have few of his daughters here
at the kennel.
is GIZMO at 3 1/2 months old. Just wanted to share this with everyone. He is
just a sweetie!! Has been from the beginning : )
This was a special boy from the start....large and lanky.....happy to lay on one
of my shoes : )
I look back at this photo often....one that is in his baby book : ) and I
remember thinking he was cute and big and just so smart for his young
age.......so stable, right from the beginning for me.
Gizmo helped me make this dream of mine become reality!! He truly needs a
medal : ) haha
THANK YOU Sweet boy!
I am not sure that facing life without this boy will be easy....He is soon to
retire and I am sad for this. Not that he would ever go ANYWHERE....just
thinking of him aging and getting older....is hard for me....He has been here,
through it all......sorta like the backbone....him and my old Gal CODY!!
He is just a wonderful producer, kind and gentle and loves his girls!!
Always there for me.....never leaves me......is always watchful and
waiting....If you ever get a chance to have a german shepherd in your life, I
dearly hope that you are blessed as I with Gizmo and what he gives back!!

January 2005 June 2005

Gizmo in his younger days :)
Thank You.