Mi Miss Camo Vom Mintern
Menard's Legendary GSD
Shiloh (OFA Good)
x Menard's Legendary
(OFA Prelim Excellent)
Kuruk is a son of our Shilo & Lobo!
AKC, DM Clear
Blk/Tan Female
Camo is Retired now.
We thank everyone who has one of her puppies!
She has been one incredible shepherd for us and we are thankful for her!!

Camo is the most excellent of mothers and loyal like no other!

She is dedicated to playing ball :)

She has even convinced BUGS that playing ball is a good idea....HE tried it LOL
Enjoying the sunny, cool days we have been having....Hot, humid days are soon to
be here......

Camo is a wonderful girl....got a few shots of her without the BALL :)

The SUN is too bright :)

She enjoys playing ball :)

Love this gal!!

Camo....this morning it was 18 degrees
:) COLD for NC!
She was outside looking in on me while I was in the kennel..
Like...What are you doing Mom? It's NICE out here LOL
Think I better clean the windows :) LOL

Waiting at the back door :)
Very Patiently :) 10 1/2 months

Camo at 10 months...what a great
girl she is!

Camo is a week away from 8 months

Out between the Fall Rain here in NC :)
Camo her first day here

5 months later :)

Camo & Bugs.....

Loves to lay in BUGS' spot LOL

Camo out hanging with Bugs, who is a FANTASTIC

Loving the beautiful weather :)


The weather had been around 80 last
few days and the dogs as well as us are ENJOYING it....

Hanging on the porch with me :)

Amazing how fast they grow up....

Her favorite spot in the mornings
with me....drinking coffee :)

Loves to lay under the truck :)

Dark picture but you can atleast see her
She loves the Buffalo Horns

5 months

4 1/2 Month Old......

Waiting for me in the kitchen :)
Watching over her chickens :)

Hanging out on the porch with me :)

Picking up the mail at the end of our road :)

Camo 15 weeks :)

14 weeks :)

13 Weeks...I just love her....

Camo is being taught to WATCH and LEAVE IT :)
The chicks have no fear of the dogs, nor Camo :)
is learning quickly....we love her!

Boat ride

VERY relaxed :)

Camo's first boat ride...she was too funny...slept almost the whole time
Thank you Dawn!! She is wonderful, learning something new everyday and taking it
in stride :)

LOVES BUGS!! Bugs is a great teacher and SO patient with her!!

Got to go fishing :)
Home just 4 days and she is hilarious :) fits right in!!
Updates soon!

Learning quickly :)

Going Fishing....again :)

Mom says I have to be on a leash right now, so she can watch me :)

Arrival day....

little blurry.....
Camo is a sweet girl we are proud and
excited to add to our family!
She is a granddaughter of Shilo and Lobo....Lobo is a son of Jack Frost &
She carries many many generations of Mintern pups in her background :)

Kuruk, Camo's father
Lobo (Jack Frost & Brandi), Kuruk's father
Kuruk lives in Nebraska with Dawn at Menard's Legendary German Shepherds!
THANK YOU DAWN!! She is everything and more....I just love her!!

Jack Frost (Danni & Kesha) is Lobo's father Danni
(Bubba & Nitty) is Jack Frost's