August 2018
Remembering.....August 2008...........
10 years....where have they gone........
I am not sure if folks still drop by to
visit Bubba's page....he certainly IS STILL A BIG PART OF MY LIFE, but then
He changed so many things about me...my life and the way I thought and think
now.....When I think of him NOW, I can smile without breaking down. One
thing I still have a hard time with is saying HIS NAME OUT LOUD! He was just one
OF THOSE DOGS who just knew so much, knew me and what
I needed and gave me that weird kind of PURPOSE :) I know.....that may
sound funny to some....but Purpose he did give to me.....He was a needy
kid and I so enjoyed every single day with him :) He was always voicing
his opinion and for those who still come to the house and PICK UP A
NEW PUPPY, you may have heard some of those stories about him.....LOL Bubba was
not a fan of Paren and when Paren would come home
from work, Bubba was always right there, in the middle of us LOL I still
find that funny and enjoyed it, although I think Paren may
feel differently LOL
With that all said.....Bubba came to me through Alice......
ALICE HORTON will also be forever a wonderful part of my life and gosh DO I MISS
HER! I think we can all relate to those days, times-in
which you just need a PHONE CALL TO HEAVEN....LOL I tend to think of her
often and miss her....miss our conversations, as I feel she really
UNDERSTOOD me and this sickness I have for the dogs LOL I miss Alice and I
miss Bubba and I am thankful and grateful daily! I know
the Good Lord has been a true sounding board at hearing my prayers....not all
have been answered, but I knew he hears me and
hears my prayers......I am thankful for that!!
I guess I am just feeling a little nostalgic and just wanted to share that....
I know I am who I am because of what has been in my life and happened in my
life...I think we call can relate to that as well!
I am so grateful and overjoyed that I was given all those days with my
Bubba......who, by the way is still running through
most of my dog's bloodlines that I still have here at the kennel.....
Grateful, Thankful, & Blessed....
THANK YOU - for just stopping by...whether it be something you do regularly or
if you are NEW to our website....
Means alot if you have read this far!!
THANKS FOR STOPPING BY.......til next time.....
October 10, 2017
Bubba.....gone 9 years.....
I miss you....just miss you...everything about you....everything!
I have not forgotten our "first moments" together, our "in betweens" and our
You have made me love you more each day, when you were here and even now that
you are gone!
I have your pictures where I look most...and I smile, cry, think, each time I
pass them....
I find myself wanting YOU, wanting another YOU....but we all know that is not
possible and so....I
find my peace in the souls you have left behind for me....
YOU ARE HERE and for that I am blessed and grateful....You have not left my
side, nor my mind, nor my heart....
I just miss you.....just really miss you......
9 years has gone by quickly, slowly, and some days in a blink of an eye :) My
love and memories of you and
for you are something I cherish and will forever be grateful for....

Bubba.....your name slips off my mouth daily......and I am happy for that....
You were the BEST, sometimes the WORST :) but YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN :)
I love you Bubba.....missing you is the easiest of things for me...
We WILL meet again sweet boy....til then.....
October 10, 2014

Bubba...I still think of you every day....I still whisper your name.....
I think of your all the time and I even tell Bugs and Gypsie about you :)
They look at me like I'm crazy....
Um.....that might be true :) I still think of our fun times and our sad
times...I remember your first day in my arms
and I remember the last day-as though it were minutes ago. God had been
good to me with allowing me to have incredible souls grace my life. YOU
were one of them.....I love you Bubba....You still make my heart beat.....you
still make me thankful for all the others who have come before and after
you......YOU live on, here....in my heart, my soul and my shepherds......
I just plain ole love and miss you.........
I love you and miss you Bub....
More then you know....I am thankful for all our time together and I know you are
happy and playing wild and free now :) I will be forever changed because
of your love, your warm and fuzzy face and your sweet eyes!
Thank you everyone who has shared a part of Bubba with me!!
He lives on STILL in my puppies...
As I continue to miss my Bubba....I came across this photo....now
please don't looked too closely at me-just take a look at the SIZE of Bubba :)
This was taken 12 years ago....we had an old Coal/Wood Burner behind me that we
used to heat our home...wow....funny thing is we STILL heat our home with a
Coal/Wood burner : ) haha just updated.......anyways, I just had to
share this picture as we were BOTH SO HAPPY here...I was actually
ironing....making t-shirts with iron on graphics-of the dogs :) ....Bubba
couldn't stand it that I was paying more attention to the IRON and he was being
left out...so of course he thought he would change my mind and redirect my
attention to HIM : ) and IT WORKED :) He always knew how to GET TO
ME...and really even after being gone all these years....he continues to pull at
my heart....everyday. I am HAPPY when I look at this photo and I am
BLESSED to have had such a wonderful friend and companion...who NEVER left my
side...from the very first day I picked him up at Alice's to the day he left
me....with our eyes glued to each other...I know he didn't want to go....I told
him it was ok.....it was the longest minute of my life...
THANK YOU again...for stopping by....

August 2000
OCTOBER 10, 2011

This picture was taken on Bub's last little vacation...3 days in WV to see his friends
a few months before he left me......
Bubba......I say this name a hundred times a day....it is just a name, a word,
some letters to others...to me, it's so much more. I woke up today,
October 10, 2011 from a dream that I have not had often....Bub was there...right
there...smiling at me :) and just looking at me, as if he were saying "What's
wrong mom :) I'm ok and I feel so good now" He was just stunning and so
soft...happy and carefree...rolling around in the grass as he always did.....I
do think we are blessed to have such special memories and dreams of our
companions. I just miss him so much it's an actual HURT that really never
goes away. It's truly been a very long and hard 3 years for me.....even
though I continue on with lots of things in my life, I cannot get over losing my
Bubba....But I did cherish those few moments this morning....I smiled and I
thanked God for such a wonderful dream...I am sure there are so many of you out
there who feel or have felt the same about your companion. I hope that you
too, were blessed to have had that special DREAM and know that they are
ok....they are happy, not hurting any longer, and we will certainly meet them
BUBBA, I MISS YOU BUD.....3 years is a LONG time and I still cry for
you....everyday....as the tears fall now I will go and get busy with my morning
chores....caring for those who are walking in your pawprints....watching them
grow, giving them love and I am ever so thankful that you were such a wonderful
part of my life.....RIP MY DEAR BUBBA.........
October 10, 2011-3 years.......

While updating some files and the website, I came across this wonderful picture
of Bubba in the snow...this was certainly his most favorite time of year...HE
LOVED THE SNOW and would roll and roll in it and play in it for hours :)
He helped me raise many puppies during this time...can't think what I would have
done without him...he would take them out, play and bring them back in....never
did I have to worry....I miss this old boy so so much...My heart still is
breaking from losing such an incredible and loyal companion...he is never far
from my heart...always there...aching all the time....
But I wanted to share this with you....I miss him....terribly.....
THANK YOU for stopping by Bubba's page....

I love you Boo.....my Beautiful Boo.....
The EYES that make me ache every day.....still......
October 9. 2010
stopping by Bubba's Page....
If this is your first time, please read on about the sweetest and kindest LOVE I
will ever have.....
If you are stopping by AGAIN :), I thank you from the bottom of my heart......
TODAY, October 10, 2010 is 2 years without my Bubba.... his pictures still grace my every day.....
He there every morning when I wake....at my computer :) in the kitchen :) kennel
and store...yep, BUBBA IS EVERYWHERE :)
and it's really just NOT his picture that is there....HE IS AS WELL....
I know that there are lots of people who have been just as lucky, to have had
such a LOVE so pure and perfect :) and I hope those reading this will
reflect on that perfect LOVE :) it's something that is a GIFT to us and we
should cherish it WHEN WE HAVE I and always remember it when it's gone...I
cannot tell you how many times I have cried since losing Bubba....it's mostly
from being sad without him, but it's also from having the greatest MEMORIES one
could ask for :) He was sooooo special and so funny....ornery and BAD :)
yep, Bubba was BAD sometimes : ) haha He greeted many people at the
front gate and some where not so happy about it, others were amazed at his size
and presence that he had about him...I miss the comfort of knowing he was always
there, always watchful, always ready to sound off! He just seemed to be such a
permanent part of my life...it's a part of my life that I truly miss but am so
thankful for.....the memories are such a blessing....
As you know, I could go on and on about Bubba and probably write a book :) but I
won't :)
I just wanted to share with you, that I STILL MISS
HIM, I STILL CRY for him....and I STILL miss those deep brown eyes watching me
I love ya BOO! I just LOVE YOU....
with dearest memories, a very heavy heart & forever
til we meet again
thank you again for stopping by the website....
September 2010
Bubba...I love you...Your deep and
true love has been like no other....
As the second year anniversary approaches without Bubba, I just want to thank
everyone again for all your added support. It's been very hard for me to
even think that I would get this far without him...It's still a struggle for
me...He is SO missed and I know that TIME does heal our hearts but I still miss
everything about him....his breath on my hand as we walked, his eyes looking
back at me with such a deep love and his presence here at the house...it's been all so
hard... BUT....
He really is HERE in everything I do....I am one of the LUCKY ONES...to have
been loved by such a grand animal ...no one will ever know just what Bubba
really DID DO for me in those years that he was here...He was such a constant in
my life...made things better :) easier to face the day, watching him do his
Funny Things....all so wonderful to have had...
I am struggling but I am healing...one day at
a time....My Mom used to say that to us kids all the time. She was no
stranger to sadness.....but she continued to show us all love and was always
looking forward :) So with that, I too am looking forward ...I am sharing
my heart again with a pup...it's been difficult but so uplifting...Sophie walks
in Bub's footprints...she is a wonderful white shepherd who has helped me get
over a few hurdles :)
Bubba...you would love my Sophie girl....She seems to know the things that make
me smile :) she is funny in ways that you were...lays right in my way all
the time, eats only when I am around, just like you....has to go EVERYWHERE with
me, and has such a peacefulness about her....and yes, her breath on my hand as
we walk, her eyes watching back at me with that deep love, and her presence here
at the house....all so much like you, Bubba.......
Til we meet again ......I truly love you Bubba.....
I have shared Bubba's photo below, before with
everyone, but at the time I was not on Facebook...now that I am I just wanted to
share Leanne Wildermuth's website and facebook site with you. She is an
amazing artist and as I continue to MISS my dear and sweet Bubba, what she has
done for me, continues to bring me happiness....he is a constant in my life
through this photo...I am so blessed to have had this done...

Above is a LINK in which you can watch Leanne Wildermuth drawing Bubba's
portrait. It brought TEARS to my eyes and they continued to fall as I
watched Bubba come to life on paper....it's truly something to watch....Please
She is an AMAZING artist and I would HIGHLY suggest checking her out on Facebook
and visiting her website below.
OCTOBER 10, 2009
1 year has passed......
BUBBA..... BUBBA..... BUBBA......
I find myself saying those
words.....over and over during each day of my life without him.....they are just
words to some, just a name....I know....
But BUBBA was so much more to me then I can even start to explain....which over
the past year I have TRIED desperately to update Bub's page and try to explain
such a deep and sad spot he has left in my heart WITHOUT HIM.....
I have written many emails to folks
who know me best about what he was and still is to me.....I am grateful to those
who know me best and to those who have listened to a story so dear to my
Much has happen during the last
year...MUCH....without Bubba by my side...things I thought I could never do nor
never want to do without HIM.....but we all know that LIFE does go on and move
forward and we really can't live in the past...as we will miss everything that
is happening in our present, carving out what will happen in the future... :)
Having had BUBBA for 10 short years in my
life was certainly a BLESSING....a sweet and kind Blessing......
as I begin my day, a year later, I
wanted to share with you that I am still working on trying to move
forward...trying to place the sadness in it's place and find my happiness in the
HERE and NOW.....harder then I had ever imagined....honestly~
THANK YOU all for your love and
support, your kind kind words regarding Bubba and moving forward, your OWN
stories and mostly for YOUR time that you spend on writing me, checking
in.....your phone calls and cards received also make such a kind
difference....Your TIME is something that has been so precious to me.....THANK
THANK you so much for stopping
by.....I have made a year without him.....with the love and support of ALL OF
SEPTEMBER 12, 2009
Thank you for stopping by to read about my
BUBBA.....I still have the hardest time trying to update his page....and
even the website....he is still soooo missed and my heart may never heal from
this terrible loss.....
Alot of things have changed here since I last
held my Bubba...
I just wanted to share with you that it will soon be a YEAR since Bubba left
me...October 10, 2008......This past year has had many many changes come to my life. I still think
that LIFE WAS PERFECT :) when Bubba was here with me....he made everything
OKAY.....I am sure there are alot of YOU who would agree that this type of love
and loss is so hard to get through or over...
Although I know I will never ever get over losing
Bubba....I have MUCH to be THANKFUL for....I have recently been given the
opportunity to bring home to MINTERN'S GERMAN SHEPHERDS.....the LAST FEW
REMAINING SNOWCLOUD SHEPHERDS directly from Snowcloud Shepherds in Illinois....this
is where BUBBA WAS BORN....where my whole life began to change, through a
wonderful LADY, named Alice Horton.....She taught me so much and also let me
fall many times, only to be there when I got back up :) she always kept my
eyes looking forward and making sure that I appreciated every day of learning
and of failing....
I will have many updates to the website as
times goes....but I just wanted to let everyone know that I will continue to
uphold and honor what I have been so graciously given in my life....God knows
my heart better then I know it....so I will continue to breed what I feel
are some of the best bloodlines around.....Mine....and Alice Horton's.......I
will honor both their heritages and move forward in my breeding program....
I will enjoy EVERY day and find PEACE within
each day, that I have Alice's last few remaining Snowcloud Kids!
THANK YOU again.....for stopping by.....as my
heart is breaking STILL without my Bubba.....my heart is also joyful in knowing
that HIS HERITAGE and RELATIVES are now here with ME.....adding to my OH SO
HECTIC LIFE : ) haha and I will enjoy every moment of it....
He is a gracious God......
MY LIFE continues to change....as we all know that
CHANGE will come no matter what....

BUBBA was picked for the Portrait of the
week on
Leanne Wildermuth's site!
I thank you LEANNE for choosing Bubba and I hope that everyone visiting the
website will go to Leanne's Website.
IT'S INCREDIBLE & Well Worth the visit :)
The picture that I sent to Leanne was one of Bubba's last pictures taken on
a MINI-vacation to West Virginia to see friends...who have a Bubba
granddaughter....It was probably the very best three days we have ever spent
with Bubba, Bruiser and each other :) It was taken on a beautiful evening,
near their pond....Bubba was watching Paren fishing :)
It was truly a gift and I will cherish it for ever....Having Leanne do this
for me brought me to my knees.....thanking her, but also thanking the Good
Lord :)
Bubba, I love you.....miss you always......

One of Bubba's last pictures......I barely can update his page anymore as I cry
more then I can see to type....
But as the new year starts and I am without Bubba....I am searching for the
Peace that I need.....to keep going...to keep sharing - with everyone - just
what a WONDERFUL Breed we have been so blessed to grace our lives......
My heart hurts so badly....I love you ....Bubba.......
~~Merry Christmas
Bubba......I love and miss you with all that I have...It's All About You Bub~~
This Poem was sent to me
Framed with a picture of Bubba........from Gina, Anthony and Kazan......
THANK YOU from the BOTTOM of my heart....
To my dearest family, some
things I'd like to say.
But first of all, to let you know, that I arrived okay.
I'm writing this from the Bridge. Here I dwell with God above.
Here there's no more tears of sadness. Here is just eternal love.
Please do not be unhappy just because I'm out of sight.
Remember that I am with you every morning, noon and night.
That day I had to leave
you when my life on earth was through.
God picked me up and hugged me and He said, "I welcome you.
It's good to have you back again, you were missed while you were gone.
As for your dearest family, They'll be here later on."
God gave me a list of
things, that he wished for me to do.
And foremost on the list, was to watch and care for you.
And when you lie in bed at night the day's chores put to flight,
God and I are closest to you...in the middle of the night.
When you think of my
life on earth, and all those loving years,
Because you are only human, they are bound to bring your tears.
But do not be afraid to cry; it does relieve the pain.
Remember there would be no flowers, unless there was some rain.
If you can help
somebody who's in sorrow and pain;
Then you can say to God at night...."My day was not in vain."
And now I am contented...that my life was worthwhile.
Knowing as I passed along I made you smile.
When you're walking
down the street with me on your mind;
I'm walking in your footsteps only half a step behind,
And when it's time for you to go...from that body to be free.
Remember you're not going....you're coming home to me.
Author Unknown
October 10, 2008, I lost one of the greatest LOVES of my life!
Bubba is gone....and has changed my Life as I knew
it....He died here in my arms October 10th as peaceful as I could have ever
Bub left me naturally.....quiet and serene, my tears falling on his face.....Jack and Bruiser along side us.
The TRIO that made my daily life happy, funny and just perfect! Those
three were with me non-stop throughout my day! I lost so much when I lost
Bubba. My heart is aching and my body is numb.
I am sad and yet, I ask for Nothing as I have had Everything with Bubba......
I thought it was necessary to let everyone know
that Bubba is gone. I will TRY MY BEST to keep things up to date and get all my
emails and phone calls returned, but please, PLEASE be patient as I am seriously in a
state of shock and sadness...
So now as I try to pick up the pieces of my heart
and find my path again, I ask that you keep us all in your prayers.
Bubba, a GIFT.....A Love so sweet and pure......

One of the GREAT LOVES Of my LIFE!
THANK YOU...just for stopping by to share
something that could not be DEEPER imbedded into my soul!
Bubba is by far one of the greatest things that has ever happened to me!
His kindness and devotion helped me set standards for my kennel that I will
always be PROUD OF! He is a GIFT!
Bubba was such a wonderful puppy! He changed my LIFE!

October 5, 2008
I am sure everyone is wondering how Bubba is.....It's been a very difficult few
weeks for me....and for Bubba.....He is not willing to leave me, as I am
certainly not willing to let him go....He is still here with me as I write this,
this very cold and beautiful crisp Sunday Morning! I have tried to keep up
with my emails and phone calls as best I can. I am hoping all those who
have NOT had a reply back from me, understand....this is truly a hard time for
me and all those who DO KNOW me, know that I am with Bubba :) Non-stop!!
He is my boy....Jack and Bruiser are concerned as well and I can honestly say
they all three have a beautiful BOND! Jack is very sweet and kind and is
giving Bub all the space and time that he needs....Bruiser is confused as his
best friend is about to leave his "little world" For almost 4 years now,
Bubba has been Bruiser PROTECTOR :) Bruiser just pasted is 4th birthday in
September :) Bubba always loved Bruiser and Buttons, who now resides with
our UPS man Jim and his family in Cortland, Ohio!! Bub just loved those
little dogs so much and they all did get along very well....Jack was ornery at
first but soon knew that BUBBA meant business if Jack was NOT NICE to the
Chihuahuas :) haha
SO, please forgive me if I do not feel like writing, emailing or calling anyone
at this point. It's hard to lose a best friend who has been everyplace you
have been for the last 10 years.....Bubba has been right there, through it
all....the good, the bad and the sad times that we have all shared...I will SO
MISS this wonderful boy!

a recent picture of Bub sleeping :) taken a couple of days ago....
September 22, 2008
There are no choices, there are no options, and certainly there has NEVER been
any regrets. Sleeping comes hard for me as I do not want to miss a second with
Bubba. I watch, wait and think....all I know is just part of it. He
watches me back, rests a little and then looks at me again, as if to say, WHY
aren't you in bed :) It's sweet in a way.......
Memories are certain to fill the days ahead of me.
Those EYES, those funny things he did and how he just made my life so Full and
Yep, I can say with BUBBA I HAD IT ALL......and we
all want that and lots and lots of you have experienced it as well. It's a
GRAND part of your life! It's with sadness that I write this but it's with
Happiness that I reminisce on all that was given to me in a GIFT I call BUBBA!
Bubba's real name is MI CHIEF BRAVEHEART and a
Brave Heart is always what he had!
Bub at this very moment that I
update his page, is STILL HERE WITH ME....but he is telling me things I don't
want to hear.....but I listen and I hope that as this day progresses that I do
what is RIGHT for Bubba for he deserves freedom to play and run again, he
deserves so much more then I could have ever given him, but he never complained.....no ~ not once..... :)
Your emails and support have made me do what I do everyday....enjoy this life,
as it's a true blessing and my dogs are the biggest and most precious part......
Paren, my husband is an incredible guy and has supported me as well through all
the ups and down of the kennel and with all the dogs. I want to be sure to
THANK HIM for he has given me a gift over and over again, with each day, as I am
here with my dogs....loving them, watching them, caring for them and just
Paren, I love you. Thank you for all you do....for me, the
kids and the doggies!

September 15, 2008
As I
start to write this I have to first tell you that I can honestly say there has
been NO OTHER shepherd who has impacted my LIFE so greatly- THEN MY INCREDIBLE
BUBBA! With that said.....When I lost MY DEAR & SWEET CODY in November,
2007......MY LIFE certainly changed! I vowed to KEEP HER and HER KIDS
ALIVE in what I do on a daily basis.....I promised her, that everything that she
had DONE FOR ME, would continue to GROW and STAY within the girls and boys that
I would raise here. I do believe that I have kept that PROMISE to her!
She made me smile, laugh, cry and weep......made me MAD and SAD and kept me from
LOSING IT many many times.....Her strength made me ABLE....kept me SANE and gave
me HOPE...... But now....without her....I am not so sure I can keep my promise
to her....I have been watching Bubba slowly leaving me....he is headed towards
the RAINBOW BRIDGE....looking for his girls...Cheyenne, who he truly loved with
a great wolf-like ora....He loved CODY as well....more like a MOM and friend :)
Cody taught Bubba many things and put up with him falling in love with me
HA She let him have that right as she wanted to be with the kids,
playing ball...chasing something or just sitting there with them, doing homework
or whatever......As I watched the recent months hurry by me.....I was aware that
this was indeed REALLY HAPPENING.....I prepared the best I could as most of
you know...I like to be PREPARED ha! There is no preparing for this!!
I then felt time was getting away from me and so I SLOWED WAY DOWN to actually stop
and smell the roses with BUBBA : ) I can actually say I am THANKFUL!
As all those who have loved and lost, we know that there is never a GOOD TIME TO
SAY GOODBYE! We all know this.....So I have spent many days....many
hours...many minutes....remembering all the FUN stuff that Bub and I have
done...I have sat with him and played ball, played with his favorite squeaky
beaver :) and watched him and JACK enjoyed each other.....like no other two
males in the world!! Bubba truly loves JACK and is starting to GIVE his
RANK over to Jack...I do believe this is really happening too... it's
incredible to watch them together...I have been SO BLESSED in my life.....so
blessed.....I am so grateful and so thankful for every minute that I have been
given with Bubba....
But as I try to think of LIFE WITHOUT HIM.....I am
worried....scared.....sad.....and finding myself more lost then I can ever
remember........ It's hard to think of doing something so simple as taking
out the garbage or mowing the grass and NOT having BUBBA with me, beside
me....looking for bunnies to chase or just waiting for me to get done and pay
more attention to him : ) I am slowly watching TIME tick from me and it's a hard
thing to deal with. I know there are alot of YOU out there who have had
this happen to you. I am so sorry! I know this pain is not an easy
one to let go of.....to set aside....to forget.......
Bubba right this minute is here with me....laying
here chewing on his porcupine! Yep, that and his beaver : ) anyways.....I
just wanted to let everyone know that I will be lost for a short time without my
Bubba....Please give me time to get back to you.....please know that I care
about all my puppies out there as well as their owners : ) It might just
take me a little while to get back on my feet from this....
I will keep everyone updated......I will let
everyone know when Bub is FREE and HAPPY and back playing with Cheyenne....I
JUST KNOW she is sitting there with anticipation....waiting on her BUB!!
They were a beautiful and perfect picture set of shepherds!! She will
soften his sadness....as I know he will also miss me as I do him..........
Thank you all........
was able to get away for a couple of days!! Actually, Paren, myself, Bubba
and Bruiser were all able to :) We visited some super friends of
ours.....Ken, Marian and RYA - Rya is a daughter of MANDIE and DIESEL!!
They live in West Virginia.....I have a few pictures here.....Everyone relaxed
and it was wonderful...Paren loves to FISH (fish & throw back in) and Bubba and
Bruiser were all about laying around and enjoying the beautiful scenery :)

Bub & Bruiser Paren, Bub & Bruis
Just resting
Waiting on me:) BRUISER :)

Ken & Marian's Little fish
another :) from top of
hill Paren :)
My Boy!!
This was a wonderful couple of days for me.....there will never be enough words
to describe it.....Bubba was just incredible and happy...Never leaving me and
always waiting and watching for me....I guess this was the PERFECT little get
away as well...it was beautiful here...and it was even more beautiful to spend
it with Paren, Bubba and Bruiser....Jack stayed home.....it was sad to leave him
behind but he knew Bubba needed this time with MOM :) I am so blessed, so
lucky to have had this time....... Just wanted to share a little with you....
is a picture that my great friend KATHI took of me and Bub today, August 14,
2008.....I will treasure this as I do not have many pictures of Bubba and
myself...just always got out of the way : ) ha ha I cannot thank her
enough....she has been there through it all with me and Bubba and has always
been like a second MOM to him :) buying his "glow balls" and sending
cookies in the mail......Kathi- thank you for all you have done for Bub and I!!
I know that you are always there for us and I know you Love Bubba!
Writing this almost seems "unreal" to me.....I know that there is NO DOG that
can stay with you forever....everyone knows that you can only WISH that there
was something you could do to 'make it better' or to 'stop the pain' for our
wonderful and beloved companions. As I watch Bubba slowing down more and
more each day, I try to find a way in my heart and BRAIN to think of a day
without him......I am worried to say the least at what my future, the future of
ME and my kennel will be.......I know I tell lots of you that it's ok and that
you will get through it and that each day, you will start to heal a little
more...I have said this speech over and over to many of you who have lost a
great and wonderful friend and companion, and yet when I try to say it to
myself, I can't think....I honestly am sick.....I find myself not worrying about
the Little Things around the house and spending every and I mean every moment I
can with Bubba.....He seems to know too that I am sad and hurting inside....he
watches me from a distance.....listens for my voice and his ears will perk up
when he thinks I am about to come to him......it's really strange to me to think
that he also loves me that much......some will say that is impossible.....some
will roll their eyes at some of the things I say or write.....or even do.....I
STOP anything I am doing for Bubba.......everyone knows it's ALL ABOUT BUBBA :)
I am happy with that.....it's what I choose many years ago when I brought him
home.....he was a puppy, dependant on me.....and very needy from day ONE : )
makes me happy and makes me smile to know that he really has been a TRUE and
WONDERFUL companion.....lots of changes have happened and Bubba has been there
for the ride right along side me....after losing my incredible CODY November
2007, Bubba seems to understand...he too would look for her, sit where she laid,
watch where she walked......eventually they do forget losses like that, but we
do not......God has given us such a gift with MEMORIES....although I am worried
that my memories will get the best of me, when I have to face that dreaded day
without Bubba......so, not to make this sound all sad and terrible, I will close
for now....I dearly hope that everyone's summer is going well and you are
enjoying every moment with your family and of course, your COMPANIONS!!
Make those memories!!! they are truly priceless when it's all said and
done!! Thanks for visiting Bub's page....
Bub is doing pretty well.....We recently did some blood work on Bub and found
that he is starting to have some kidney problems. We are worried but will
also take each day at a time and cherish it til the end....He is such a
wonderful boy. I cannot begin to tell you what this BIG GUY means to
me...although I think alot of you know :) I have opted to place Bub on some
natural and homeopathic meds to try and help his kidneys to continue to
function...we know that we are not at 100% and so with that news, I will do what
I can for him. He is doing well...eating his shredded beef and supplements
twice a day and then also enjoying his Pinnacle....now DUCK since he was not
wanting the Trout :) Yes, Bubba is more spoiled then the kids ever
were....atleast that is what the kids say :) It's sad that I have to write
about this.....sad that one day in the future I will be without my beloved
BUBBA! He is a trooper and I know each day that I have been
blessed.....Paren laughs and it's sometimes NOT a joke but Bubba is the last
thing I check on at night : ) and the first thing I see in the mornings :
) HA we sometimes wonder who is more devoted...ME or Bubba : ) haha
stop back......
Bubba is still doing well, but slowing down. He seems to be missing
Cheyenne, she was his ONE and ONLY and I recently lost her. It's been very
hard losing my foundation girls to the kennel. Now Cheyenne and her Mom,
Cody are gone and things seem to be sinking in.....I am losing my old and
faithful friends to TIME.....Bubba still looks for Chey, and I honestly can see
a difference in him. Be it my imagination or not, I know that Bubba and
Cheyenne were soul mates : ) They were both in love with each other : ) So
as time is slipping away from us all, I just wanted to share with you, that I
cherish each and every moment with my BUBBA : ) Take time to hug someone
today, human or otherwise : ) , smile and be thankful as well... I know that
these dogs sure have made a DIFFERENCE in my life and I know there are others
out there who have shared that same thing! THANK YOU for stopping by
Bubba's page : ) Enjoy the rest of the website!!
Bubba is doing well....he still continues his acupuncture and
that sure seems to be doing him the most good. We would like to mention
Dr. Luke Lukasko at Newton Falls Animal Hospital...he is the one who has been
helping Bubba along. We cannot say enough wonderful things about Dr. Luke
and his staff...They are all just great folks and Bubba really enjoys visiting
with them and on occasion a friendly staff cat :) Bubba has been a
wonderful mentor to my JACK as well...they continue to hang out together and
Bubba is teaching JACK all that he knows :) good and bad ha ha!
Bub has been going bye byes with me a little more lately.....Bubba has a NEW
old JEEP : ) I was able to get Bub's favorite plates.....they say Mi
Bubba :) It's all about BUBBA : ) haha that is what Jack says
anyhow.....haha Anyways, I thank you again for stopping by and we hope
that you enjoy the rest of the website!! Take care!!
2, 2008
We are looking forward to SPRING! ha isn't everyone!! I wanted to
THANK ANYONE who has kept up with BUBBA'S STORY! Believe me,
it's truly a STORY!! I am happy to say that he is doing very well almost
exactly 2 years after a terrible scare!! He is still here with me and has
helped me RAISE JACK who is just an awesome boy!! Bubba has done so good
in helping me...It will be 2 years on April 8th. I am still as thankful NOW as I
was THEN and maybe even moreso......During this last few years I have lost some
incredible dogs in my life, one being my old gal CODY! Can't say enough
about her.... Anyways, BUBBA has filled my life with so much LOVE and JOY!
I just wanted to let folks know that he is doing well....we have acupuncture
done about every 2 to 3 months...It help tremendously.....He is still my shadow
and I couldn't be more thankful! Hope you take some time to read over the
other parts of my website...It's ALL ABOUT THE SHEPHERDS : )
Well...with the snow and cold weather, Bubba and Jack still manage to get PLAY
TIME in! ha ha They are still best buds. Bubba
is doing well though and going with whatever I add! He continues to be my
very best friend and still going everyplace with me. We still know that we
are on borrowed time with Bubba and with that said we are just very THANKFUL!!
He continues to put up with all the puppy stuff going on and will play with each
one for just a little while and then leave the rest to Jack, who still thinks he
is 3 months old! haha Jack is wonderful with the pups and so we let
him enjoy!! Thank you for visiting Bub's page....He is doing good....getting
older and still loving me ! ha what more could I ask for! Thanks and
enjoy visiting the rest of the website!
WOW, it's almost FALL.....I think it's Bubba's favorite time of year as well as
mine : ) We have some puppies coming soon...Bubba will be happy!! He is
doing quite well and enjoying JACK!! They seem to have a great bond
between them and I am happy. Bubba is very special boy to me! Bubba
was back to see Dr. Luke for acupuncture.....so far so good and I do believe
that it is helping Bubba stay more comfortable! He is getting around good
and exercising more and more. You can visit Dr. Luke and his staff at
www.newtonfallsanimalhospital.com They are wonderful folks to deal
with!! As always, THANK YOU for stopping by and enjoy the rest of the
July 2007
Bubba is doing well...Helping me to raise JACK......and is doing a great job!!
Bubba will be 9 this year. Cannot express my love and devotion to this
dog....He is a wonderful companion and I am so happy he is here with me.
He is feeling good and so far the only thing we have done is a little
acupuncture with Dr. Luke in Newton Falls, Ohio. Bubba likes going there :
) He is getting along good and we look forward to the Fall litters
coming.....Bubba always is part of it....stays with me while the MOMS are having
their pups and he will even check on them and clean them up right along with
MOM! It's truly a beautiful picture!! Cherokee one of his daughters
will be a Mom this year and she is such a LOVE and just loves her Dad!! I
will try to remember to get some pictures of Bubba with the babies : )
Anyways, THANK YOU for stopping by......Please share your stories with us as
well....write to me....
Til next time............
April 7, 2007
Thank you for visiting Bub's page! It was ONE YEAR ago today that I was
Lost and without my Bubba!!! Bubba was at the Akron Hospital awaiting his
checkup and what life would have in store for him. I was just so scared
and didn't want to leave him there......But I did and I am thankful EVERYDAY for
my blessing. He is doing well......One year ago tomorrow will be his
surgery date (April 8, 2006) and he has continued to help me!! He has
always been my constant companion and I laugh about it but truly he never has me
out of his sight!! We left to get a few things yesterday and Bubba and
Jack had to go with us.....He keeps me sane! haha Thanks again and I
just wanted to share with everyone what a wonderful shepherd Bubba is~ He
makes each day wonderful! I have updates at the bottom of the page with
some pictures of him and Jack, my new boy in the house.........thanks again!!
THANK YOU for stopping by to read more about

I know Bub......but you're still DARN CUTE!
This picture is of Bubba home from the hospital for about 3 minutes : )
I first have to THANK Our wonderful GOD for
allowing Bubba to be in my arms.......
He is here with me today, here is his
story......... April 8th, 2006 because
of faith and prayer! I have to thank some of our closest friends for calling and
sending emails with prayers attached! God hears our prayers!
Bubba is, well, ..................BUBBA : )
haha All who know me know that BUBBA is King, Chief, The BIG GUY, and
well, you get the picture......... he has been an incredible dog from the
beginning..............right from a puppy......I have to say I may have been one
of the luckiest people around to get such a great puppy like Bubba. He was
and IS just a wonderful Companion!!
I will try to keep this short and just get to the
chase : )
Saturday April 1st I had a lot of folks here to the
kennel for visiting time with the Pups that we have and with the
parents......meet other dogs and just ask questions and get to know us. It
was a long day for us.....like most other appointment days and we finally
entered the house around 8:00 pm! Things all seemed well......we got everyone
fed, including US and settled down for a little R & R......dogs included : )
Bubba seemed a little more tired then usual and we chalked that up to be a
pretty fun filled day......He slept very well that night and all was
well.......Morning came and I noticed Bubba wasn't himself........ more
tired then usual, not real hungry and really had no interest in going outside to
play.....Then I knew we had some trouble.............
That week I monitored Bubba closely and I noticed
that he was starting to limp a little, have a little harder time getting up and
just not having an easy time getting around......we then decided it was time to
see our wonderful Veterinarian, Ted Ramsey, DVM.........at
Family Pet Center at Countryside,
Dr. Ramsey checked Bub over and said maybe there may be a little problem, looked
like something called
Fibrocartilaginous Embolism
(FCE) and so we agreed with Bubba's symptoms that we
would give him his medication and see how he did......most dogs recover well
from this and don't necessarily have a problem.......and it's actually something
that can just happen, so of course, I had to redo the whole past week of what me
and BUBBA did that would have had anything to do with this problem........
I honestly was sick over it and didn't know what I had done....... Dr. Ramsey
assured me that this was something that could happen and it wasn't something
that I had done.......
The next couple of days were a little hectic for
me but I kept a very close eye on Bubba......he got better within a couple of
days and did well.....played with Argus and just looked like he was back on
track to being himself : ) Well..............sorry, but this story
doesn't end there : ) He seemed pretty good and then all of a sudden
took a turn for the worst! We then thought maybe acupuncture would help
Bubba. Dr. Lukasko, another wonderful veterinarian with Newton Falls Animal
Hospital, looked at Bubba and said he too would have first thought it was the
FCE, but after telling him about how Bubba did better and then went downhill
quickly, he was immediately concerned about a disc in Bubba's back that may have been
ruptured........... so we immediately scheduled an appointment with
in Akron, Ohio and the next day had Bubba at their front door ready and willing
.................. Bubba at this point was not able to walk
well.......dragging his rear legs and had the sweetest and kindest of LOOKS on
his face, like he really didn't understand why he wasn't moving properly!
He is such a trooper and did whatever I asked of him.......needless to say, we
seen DR. FERGUSON and he said that to properly evaluate what might be
wrong with Bubba, I would have to leave Bubba there and run some
tests......including a Myelogram..........
I left Bubba there........... promising him
that we would do everything POSSIBLE to make sure we were able to bring him home
soon.....that I vowed to bring him home........... to HIS home where he is safe
and where he has kept me safe!! Needless to say, there are MANY folks out there
who have had this experience.....leaving one of our dogs with a vet......I was
sick over it, but knew it was in Bubba's best interest. It was one of the
hardest days and nights I have had!!
Dr. Ferguson called with traumatic news about Bubba......it looked like there
was a possible tumor on his spine causing all the pain and troubles that Bubba
was having.....He said things didn't look real good for Bubba and wasn't sure if
I wanted to do surgery on him or not....I asked about my chances of things and
what might be the outcome and doc confirmed that most likely chances were that
only 1% would Bubba have a disc problem and that it was more likely there was a
tumor......it showed like a tumor on the Myelogram and so he explained to me
that there would be no way to remove the whole tumor since it was attached to
the Spinal Cord......... I understood that. He also said that if he
did the surgery and it was a disc problem, he could probably fix it and send
Bubba home........He again stressed that there was only 1% doorway that it was a
disc problem.......and things looked slim for a good recovery............
Well-of course, all who know me, KNOW that I said,
DO THE SURGERY..........one day, one week, one month................whatever it
gives me with Bubba is worth knowing that we did all we could do for
him........Needless to say at this point I had already started my prayers and so
had others : )
Later that evening, I received the call that, most
times like this.............you just don't want to hear what the news is on the
other end......I then decided that I had asked for a miracle and needed to
receive it............ Well.............. Doc confirmed that
unbelievably Bubba had beat the odds and it WAS A DISC that was herniated
and that with the surgery BUBBA should make a slow but steady recovery back to
normal..........Bubba had that 1% chance on HIS SIDE............Wanting to HUG
Dr. Ferguson was the first thing I would have loved to do, but I assured him my
THANK YOUS were sent to him and his staff til I was able to get back to Bubba
there at the hospital.......
BUBBA is now home with me............resting at my
feet like the KING that he is............ I do believe in miracles and I
do believe that we have received one with Bubba......It will be a long and slow
recovery but chances are when you come to visit the kennel, you will get to meet
Bubba and see that he is just an ordinary dog............to most...........
:) But to me.....he is an amazing animal who showed strength and loyalty
in a time when he was hurting and scared.......He was a model patient so they
tell me : ) and I kinda figure he would be since he LOVES GIRLS : )
haha He had wonderful care and love from the staff of the Akron Clinic and
we are indebted to them for life!! Bubba's WILL to continue is an
inspiration that I want to share with people.
My reason for sharing this story is to just let
folks know that things happen and sometimes when you least expect them...... that we have to STOP and really FEEL what life has given
us.......that old saying...... "You should stop and smell the roses"
well.........it's so true although here we say stop and smell the doggies : )
We want people to know that we are just like others.....we have had our hard times,
good times. easier times and sad times............ This won't be an easy
endeavor for us financially, but I don't think love has a price....... we just
want you to know that God is there....24/7 and he even took the time to answer a
little ole prayer about a dog.......my dog......my love and
inspiration............my Bubba..................
Please see Bubba's pictures below.......Bubba will
be on the mend for a while.....
I have some LINKS to some of the things that I talked about so that folks can
read more about it. You will find them highlighted throughout the page. I
hope too, that this has been educating as well. I was so informed about
what this was and why something like this can happen, that I really just wanted
to share the info! It has changed my life, but for the good.........Bubba
continues to help me be a better person.... but isn't that what every
shepherd is here to do............... : )
April 11, 2006
Bub is feeling good......was outside laying yesterday, enjoying a little fresh
air : ) We had some sunshine too, which we all enjoyed!
He is mending slowly and the progress will take time. He is very
tired! Just wanted everyone to know that we SO APPRECIATE all the cards,
emails, phone calls and Prayers!! THANK YOU from the bottom of our
Here are some get well wishes sent to BUBBA
Okay......Bubba loves Kathi! She comes to visit alot and brings Bubba a
Glow Ball once in a while : ) He was anxious and happy as you
can see from the pictures to get HIS present : ) haha! Kathi had cookies
in there too : ) THANK YOU KATHI! You know my BOY!!!
Love ya!!

From the GRIMM GANG!
Abby is a Cherokee/Gizmo Daughter
Lilly is a Miss Polly/Gizmo Daughter

This is from JoAnn who is getting Cree and Kazan's daughter "DORI"
Hey Bubba Boy. I just read your story from your
Mom. I began to cry. As I read through it I could not even think I could make it
to the end but I did. Dear Bubba what a happy ending. I am reading to your
wonderful, beautiful, niece Miranda. She sends ALL her love with a big WOOF!!!!
I am definitely praying now and we all will be!! Your Mom is SOOO right. God is
there and he is wonderful. Sometimes we don't understand why but all we can do
is put it in God's hands.
You have a wonderful, caring, super, family that loves you.
Take care big guy. Randy, Miranda, and me are with you!! Your Mom was there for
me when my baby could not come home. I am here for her!
We love you!
Randy, Jan, Miranda, a Hannah & Diesel's Daughter : )

Lil Bubba is a son of Cheyenne & Bubba.
Heidi is a daughter of Cody & Buddy.

Get Well Soon
Dear Bubba ~ So sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well ...
I know that soon you'll be out and keeping all those puppies in line again.
We'll come see you this summer :0)Listen to your Mama!
Tami & Capone, a Sylvia & Red Son.
I wanted to THANK THOSE OF YOU who have sent
your loving Prayers, Donations and Gifts : ) THEY are all a great help and no words
can express the THANK YOUS that you all deserve. BUBBA surely appreciates your
help as well! We APPRECIATE your help and I shall be sending Thank you
Cards soon! We are thankful for all those who have our puppies. We
know that they are truly loved and cared for like no others : )
Kellie and Bubba

Resting outside : ) We finally seen some SUNSHINE : ) He is on the MEND!
It's been a WHOLE WEEK since Bubba's surgery & Bubba is really doing well.
He still waits for me to go for a walk.......just what the doctor ordered and he
is still just so amazing!!
Well.......Bubba has been home now for 2 weeks and 2 days......and he is doing
very well......The incision is healing nicely and he is wanting to play more
everyday......we still have to keep him quiet and he is not allowed to be ROWDY
: ) haha can't remember when Bubba was rowdy!!! He is just my
big ole couch potato!! :) I dearly love you Bubba.....with a
deepness that is hard to explain.....You continue to make ME a better person,
more compassionate, loving and caring.... truly you are a gift from God!!
THANK YOU ALL for the wonderful gifts of cookies, balls and squeaky toys : )
He is enjoying every one of them : )
April 27th
Bubba had his surgery almost 3 weeks ago.....it really seems longer!! He
is doing well......never leaves me and is always there,
waiting.....watching.....I am so grateful to be a part of his life......I wanted
to thank another person, that person is ALICE HORTON who I adopted Bubba from.
She has been there through thick and thin with me.......and I am so grateful for
her love of the shepherd and for allowing me this wonderful pleasure of being
owned by BUBBA : ) Alice, he is a GEM! Like no other : ) Thank you from
the bottom of my heart......Bubba loves you too : ) Maybe we can visit
again this year............
April 29, 2006
Bubba went back to see all his friends at Akron Veterinary Clinic yesterday!
We were hoping that his visit would bring good news and it did.....Dr. Ferguson
was very pleased with Bubba's recovery......His incision has healed perfectly
and he is walking almost back to his normal self......We may never have 100%
again but we expected that and I will take WHATEVER Bub can give me!! Dr.
Ferguson was pleased as well to see that Bubba had lost some weight.
Better for him now since we have some arthritis in his elbows and
hips........Exercise and short walks are in store now and back to Bubba's normal
life : ) HA.....Bubba was happy to be there and just laid down in the office : )
funny dog.........met a St. Bernard who recently had surgery on his rear
leg......they seemed to like each other......kinda funny...........
THANK YOU ALL for being a part of Bubba's
recovery. Honestly, it's been wonderful having everyone there and meeting
new folks through all of this. It's far from being over............but we
are definitely on the MEND : ) Appreciate all the calls and emails!
It's kept me thankful for all the wonderful folks out there who have become our
As always,
Kellie and Mending Bubba

Bubba and Cody hanging out while we take PUPPY PICTURES : )
Bubba is slowly getting better......Doctor says about 4-5 months of healing
yet.....Guess we shall be into FALL by then!! Can't believe that it's been
over a month since his surgery. Time sure does go fast doesn't it?
Thank you all for following Bubba's story. He still amazes me and is
closer then I could ever imagined : ) We are taking a little weight off of
Bubba as well.........Dr says it will help the healing and the arthritis that
has set in......I am so dedicated to Bubba and Cody......Hope you all know that
a shepherd's love never fails~ They are so incredible and consistent!
Thanks again for checking on Bub's update! He really is doing well......We
are so thankful!
Tuesday, May 17th
BUBBA playing with "JAKE" a puppy that will soon be going home......they had
alot of fun in the house : )

We have had RAIN for over a week and expected more, so we are doing alot of
Guess that is why they make Sweepers : ) haha
Bubba is getting along pretty well.....still a little unstable if he is excited
or wants to RUN, but he is doing well!
May 21, 2006

Bubba is doing great......loves to be outside and he really loves watching over
HIS fish : )

June 3, 2006
In between Rains, we try to make it outside for a short time. Bub is doing
pretty well!
WE are JUST HAPPY that he is here with us and we are so THANKFUL!
JUNE 24, 2006
Well, we are extremely happy with Bubba's progress and he is
definitely feeling pretty good.... He has lost a little more weight so
folks who see him now, comment on him not being SO BIG : ) But
because of Arthritis issues, he now will have a slimmer physique :) He is
still my shadow night and day and if he could talk I am sure he would tell me
his deepest thoughts......although I am sure I know most of them : ) He is very
grateful and shows it everyday. He acts like a puppy when I arrive back in
the house from an errand.....it's hilarious......You would think I was gone for
the whole day!! Anyone out there remember what LASSIE would bark like in his
shows and movies? That BARK that you knew he was TALKING : )
That's the kind of thing that Bubba does and I call him LASSIE when he does it :
) haha He is, I think, what a lot of folks experience.......a
perfect companion! And it's not because he is a German Shepherd,
it's because he has an incredible heart and soul. I hope that all of you
reading this have had this experience at least once in your lifetime. It's truly
a blessing! I know I write a lot about Bubba and yet, he isn't the ONLY
ONE......but he is like my husband.......strong, caring, loving and kind and
always willing to do what I want : ) haha Guess I should consider myself
THANK YOU ALL AGAIN! and AGAIN! Your phone calls, cards, emails and just
your support through all this has been incredible! Bubba is grateful as
well. He has enjoyed the benefits : ) Toys and food are his
favorites : ) haha
Bubba is never very
far from my side, and I couldn't be more thankful for that! He is truly a
blessing! I am in love and thankful to have experienced it : ) He has
shared a lot of changes here at the kennel and house.....He has made a lot of
the changes easier : ) Not sure if I could really find the right words to tell
you all how I feel about Bubba and what we do here......I have said before that
it's a "Sickness" and I do believe that is one way to explain it :) It's
deep within me, within the walls of my home and kennel......it's everywhere all
the time, surrounding us daily...It's something that is hard to explain but easy
to feel. I hope that everyone can understand me.......I truly LOVE what I
do and hope that I have been able to place some of that love and commitment with
you, with a puppy from Mintern's German Shepherds.......it's truly from our soul
and the souls of our shepherds!
Thank you, everyone, for all the love, support and prayers!!
Bubba needs a back scratch...... I better go now : ) haha
Kellie and Bubba

Here is ARGUS and BUBBA on June 24th, 2006. They haven't seen each other
since a few days before Bubba's Surgery.....April 7th~~ They are still
doing GREAT together and I love both of them!!!! BUBBA is very jealous : )
and that is ok.....He is my BUDDY all day long......Argus has been in the house
for about 8 hours since the picture was taken.......They are incredible
together.....both NOT neutered!!! Both very close to me.....Just wanted to
share with everyone!!! Two BOYS can get along.......:) THANKS again
everyone for reading about BUBBA....He is still my inspiration : )
Love you too Argus!!
AUGUST 11, 2006
THANKS for all YOUR support throughout this hard and difficult time for
my family and I!! It's always great to hear someone say they have read
Bubba's story and then smile and say HE IS OK!!! YES, He is
ok............doing well and enjoying his BUSY LIFE here at the farm :)
He continues to go "bye-byes" with us to Lowes, Home Depot and places like that
: ) All who have been keeping up with US NUTS here, know that we are
trying to work on the back of our house : ) it's coming along and Bubba
continues to share in all the fun..........
I will try to get some NEW pictures as well......I had some but..............my
computer LOST them all........ I guess really the blame is on me.....I had them
backed up but then lost them.......... when I lost all my computer info!!
ha ha so..........
THANK YOU for keeping up to date and please know that these dogs and my family
are just a TRUE BLESSING!! I am thankful DAILY as I walk this
walk......... I sure hope that you are blessed in your life as
well.....stop and enjoy!! stop and smell the roses........it doesn't last
Take care everyone.........
From the Mintern Gang!!
September 27, 2006
WOW, it's been a while since updating BUBBA'S page : ) He is doing
WELL!! He continues to enjoy the GIFTS that folks bring.....Marsha brought
him a stuff dino with eggs the other day.....he hasn't put it down.....when he
does, the Chihuahua's get it and go nuts with it : ) it's hilarious!!
Thank you MARSHA~ You are a wonderful friend!! FALL is here and we
are enjoying the cooler weather.....Bubba continues to watch the "babies" for me
and goes to the kennel daily.....loves the puppies.....he is happy and we are
too!!~ We thank all of you who have called, wrote and stopped by to check
on BUBBA :) He is really and truly a wonderful friend to me.....I am
soooo blessed!
HAPPY FALL and hope everyone is getting READY for the Holidays......they are
coming : )
Kellie and the Mintern Gang!!
OCTOBER 10, 2006
Well........Bubba is fine.......here he is yesterday during a BEAUTIFUL OCTOBER
day in OHIO : )

THANK YOU BUBBA.........He is just one of those dogs..........I am so blessed to
have him in my life!
THANKS AGAIN for visiting................
K & Bubba.....
Bubba is doing pretty good.....He has had a little trouble with Arthritis over
this long and cold winter that we have had. He is still the most
incredible dog I will ever have grace my life. I am so truly BLESSED daily
with his love and loyalty!! I just wanted to let everyone know that he is
doing pretty good! He is HELPING me raise another PUPPY in the
house....Watch for updates!
THANKS again.....
Bub and ME
UPDATE: April 7, 2007
Getting ready for SPRING....we had a few nice days and the dogs were LOVING it!!
Bubba and Jack and Bruiser....one of my chihuahuas : )

Bubba and my ole gal Cody

I love these two dogs.....they are my kids......they fill my days with love and

Bubba and Bruiser......the hunter...... : )

Bubba and Jack......this is my desktop picture.....
Thanks again for visiting......I am a NUT....you are absolutely right and I tell
everyone : )
Come back.......
Kellie and Bub.......

I am in love.......this boy is wonderful.....I am THANKFUL EVERYDAY, that he is
here with me...
Love often!! Remember to HUG YOUR DOG today : )